Episode 4: The Ruins of Tribulation or why are you taking notes?

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Episode 4: The Ruins of Tribulation or why are you taking notes?


A/N: Oops, a little late but I got fixated on Owl House so I've been writing fanfics on the 'bad but sad boy' on my A03 account. 

Big thanks to -av427 for the transcript.


Dark storm clouds cast shadows on the main school building.

"I see," came the principal's voice. "They call him 'Koro-sensei'. Why would a demon king teach students how to defeat him?" Lightning cracked, lighting up the principal's office through the giant window on the back wall.

The students tensed a little when they saw.

Asano grimaced faintly. (Oh...he's here.)

"Well, this doesn't look good," Mimura said warily.

Ren pushed Araki and Seo off him. "Get off!"

Araki was distracted by the screen. "What do you think the Principal's like in this?"

"Terrifying and evil?" Hara suggested.

"Seems like his normal M.O," Fuwa commented.

Karasuma dutifully listened to him. (Pope Gakuhou Asano: national treasure, hero maker, a man who's vanquished many a-demon king in his time.)

Muramatsu nearly spat out his drink. "National treasure!?"

"Well, he is a pope and a hero in this world," Okuda commented.

"Yeah, but still, who the hell would think of him as a national treasure!?" Yoshida yelled. "He acts like a creep half the time."

Asano raised an eyebrow. "You do realise he's won multiple awards?"

"Yeah, but he's still creepy!" Kimura argued.

"Anyone else going to question the pope thing?" Kayano asked but the others were busy talking.

"That's hardly anyone sees the real him," Tsuda said, shrugging. "He's not an idiot, he's going to present his best self for the cameras."

"Yeah, that is true, a lot of people do trust him," Hiroto commented.

"Exactly," Asano replied, nodding. "He's spent over ten years building a perfect image of himself." He frowned faintly when he remembered something. "When I was younger he was always setting up 'family days' for us so the press would eat it up."

"Really?" Rio looked over curiously. "What did you guys do?"

He grimaced slightly. "Mainly outside events, I caught onto it pretty quickly though," he explained. "One time when I was seven it took me to a park and told me to play on the equipment, and then had it so that the press 'just so happened' to stumble on us." He wrinkled his nose at the memory, remembering how uncomfortable he'd felt when his father had tried to push him on the swing, and then how annoyed the man had gotten that he wasn't smiling enough for the cameras. "It wasn't particularly enjoyable..."

"Wow, that's... kind of horrifying and desperate," Okano said, frowning. "Who even does that?"

"A guy trying too hard to sell a perfect persona so people will trust him and his school," Takebayashi remarked dryly. "Though, it's not exactly uncommon for parents to do it on a subtler scale."

Hazama grimaced. "Ugh, I know, it's pathetic."

Kanzaki stomach twisted. "And, awkward." She fidgeted. "And, I don't like how obsessed they can get about other people's opinions."

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