Chapter 13 - The Mall

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Mabel had slept restlessly through the night. Dipper had called Great uncle Ford and Grunkle Stan filling them in on all the details. He theorized that Hannah could have developed a virus of some kind augmenting her strength and agility. They had packed up the Stanmobile and headed out first thing in the morning before the sunrise. The sun had risen at around 7 am so they got to the campus a little after 10:30 am. Ford had packed a lot of lab gear in the trunk and the back of the car. Dipper helped him and Stan drag it in. Pacifica had made coffee and Heather had made breakfast before heading out to search around campus for her sister who had not returned to her apartment yet. Dipper told him to not go alone and to be sure to keep a friend with her at all times. Dipper gave her the taser Mabel had taken from Ashelli. "Here take this. If you see Ashelli, this is hers. She let Mabel borrow it. Take it with you today."

Dipper now worried about the girl put a soft hand on her shoulder. "We'll find your sister," he said kindly. "Everything's going to be alright." Heather nodded thankfully and smiled at him a little taken with him. She looked back at him again as she left the front door. Pacifica smirked as Dipper walked back over to him. "See," she said with a grin on her face. "I'm not the only chick who finds you ruggedly handsome." Dipper snorted in amusement then smiled at her. "Whatever you say, Princess. I'll defer to you in that department."

Mabel had slept in but when she woke up she was acting strange. First of all, she spent like over an hour in the bathroom doing her makeup. Pacifica had been about to pull an intervention when she came out of the bathroom. Dipper cocked an eyebrow at his sister's change in clothes and demeanor. She had glossed her hair into a beautiful brown wavey sheen that would not have been out of place at a prom. Her makeup was a striking black, silver, and green eyeshadow accompanied by a very unique lipstick.  It was a deep red burgundy with lighter reds hinted throughout in natural disparity giving it the look and color of a red delicious apple. That is if it had been coated with subtle amounts of glitter and glossed over to perfect sheen. It made her white teeth pop by contrast. She was wearing a pair of shorts that left quite a bit of her strong thighs revealed. Accompanying this stark outfit was a mid-drift teal t-shirt leaving much of her very white soft stomach revealed that said, "Deal with it" in hot point emboldened lettering. She had her purse slung over her shoulder.

Pacifica put her hands on her mouth covering the snort of amusement and a wide smirk spread across her face. Dipper asked, "Mabel are you sure you didn't hit your head last night." Mabel smiled at him. "No, but last night was exhilarating! Nothing but the wind in my hair and the thrill of the hunt." Dipper looked at Pacifica for an answer as clearly this area of dealing with girls was above his paygrade. Pacifica quickly mixed Mabel some coffee adding ridiculous amounts of sugar just the way she liked it.

Pacifica handed the cheerful brunette her coffee. She smelled it with a look of curiosity on her face. She sipped in and then gagged. She stuck her tongue out a few times as if trying to get the offensive flavor off her tongue. Dipper walked over to Mabel and asked, "Since when are you not in love with coffee and sugar?" As he stepped closer her eyes perked up suddenly alert as she eyed him up and down studiously. She leaned closer taking in a deep inhale through her nose. "You smell good this morning." She said her eyes now showing a look of hunger in them. Dipper now looking confused said, "It's the same aftershave I always use along with the cologne you bought me for Christmas. She took a step closer to him now making him feel uncomfortable. "Were you planning on going somewhere?" He asked seeing her purse. He was perplexed by her sudden uncharacteristic behavior. Pacifica was now watching her very keenly with concern marked on her face. 

Mabel smilled her eyes flitting upward in thought. "I wanted to check out the mall. Maybe buy some fabric and clothes to make something more..." She pointed her index finger outward as she twisted her hand at the wrist in thoughtful repose."...More me." She said now baring her teeth in a wide grin.

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