You what?!

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blake pov

I woke up in Yang's arms i got up and went out of our tent ,I see catra sitting in a tree ,I walk up to her "hey why are you up so early" she says "well I could say the same thing to you" "I don't know just ,i can't sleep" I nodded "can I ask you a question" "yea" I said "why don't you have a tail?" "Emmm I have one just don't want Yang to find out" "why?" "Well becaus-" "YOU HAVE WHAT?!" Here we go "sorry I didn't tell you" "can I touch it?!" She said "NO!" Me and Catra said "jez sorry"

"Hey guys what are you talking about?" Adora said "just cat things" Yang respond ,then they both look at me and catra "ok i think we should go somewhere else" catra said "agree" i respond "OW come on!" They said "no" "please" "no" "ok fine!" Yang said.

Yang pov
It was midnight I was still awake ,at a certain point ,I felt someone hug me from behind I turned my head to see who it was ,it was blake "hey kitty cat what are you doing up so late?" "I could ask the same for you"
She said "I was thinking.." "about what?" "I- i just miss Ruby ,like what if she is in danger right now?"
"Aw Yang I'm sure she's fine ,she have Weiss with her" "i know but-" "enough talk I want cuddles" "okay kitty let's go" we go back to bed and cuddled until we fell asleep.

Autor note

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter but I hope you liked it!

What if catra and adora meet Blake and Yang Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt