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It must have been at least a week before George was allowed to roam the house again. Of course, Dream and Sapnap were with him at all times, whenever he walked inside the house. They couldn't keep him in that room more than they already had (even though George could clearly tell that they wanted nothing more than to hole him up there and keep him locked away forever) as fans were already starting to question his whereabouts. However, as he slept inside his room again, the chains around his wrist and ankle were always present during the night, a delectable reminder.

The streams went smoothly, completely normal for the rest of the world, as George acted accordingly. It's not as if Dream and Sapnap would hurt or punish him if he were to do anything drastic; no, his life and integrity weren't threatened in the least, he was well aware of that now. The first time they all streamed together after they let him up in his room, Dream and Sapnap were anxious throughout the whole stream, conscious of every single of George's words and movements through his webcam, making sure that he wouldn't reveal anything that would out the situation.

Of course, George did nothing of the sort. Instead, as they streamed together bedwars, he was happier than ever; delighted grins, beaming smiles, and wholehearted laughs. People thought this positive change to his behavior was him moving in with his longtime friends, which, partially, was true, yet George's heart swelled for another reason.

The intense, dark gleam flickering inside Dream's eyes every time they fell upon George. The sick, near-insane smile of satisfaction that would decorate Sapnap's face at the sight of George's cuffed limbs to the bed.

He devoured it all. He devoured their love, their psychosis, the touch of possessiveness in every kiss, in every caress, in every look. Their soft promises of eternity, the sighs of belonging, of home, of vows that bind them together in this life, the next one, and in death.

George had found love in the most beautiful form.

"Dream," he breathed and the man's fingers paused their comforting movement through his locks.

"Yes, honey?"

"Can I have a kiss?"

Dream chuckled, muttering a small 'Of course' and shifted from behind him, fingers tenderly brushing over George's neck, traveling up his jaw. His head was slightly turned, tilted to the side, and he blinked up, lips twitching into a smile as his eyes roamed over Dream's face, admiring the man's freckled face and beautiful eyes. He slowly leaned forward, pausing when their faces were inches apart, soft puffs of air mingling together. Not a second later, Dream closed the tiny gap between them, connecting their lips. George blew out a small, content sigh and brought his hand over their shoulders, fingers clenching tenderly around blonde strands just above Dream's nape.

A hand came to rest on his hip, a thumb rubbing at his hipbone as lips slowly, lovingly moved against each other. George backed away just an inch before pressing small pecks over Dream's lips, smiling as he could feel the man starting to tremble beneath his touch.

George drew back and rested his head on Dream's shoulder, withdrawing his hand from the man's head as it now came to rest upon the hand on his hip.

"Too much?" He cooed, eyes crinkling fondly as his smile widened at the flush that dusted over Dream's cheeks.

"Quite the opposite," he replied, his voice thick with emotion, "God, Georgie, the things I wanna do to you."

"Yeah?" He breathed, his eyes half-lidded as he licked over his lower lip. "Why don't you let me know as well."

Dream shook his head, "I don't- there's just so much," he swallowed, Adam's apple bobbing inside his throat. "All these screaming thoughts inside my head begging me to love you, destroy you, to devour you until all you feel is me."

It should terrify him of what Dream and Sapnap were capable of, it should downright paralyze him with fear. Instead, George felt that familiar euphoric feeling starting to build deep inside his chest, steadily traveling south, a gorgeously vile sense of arousal.

"That better be a promise." He said heatedly, which got an instant reaction as Dream's fingers on his hip tightened, digging ever so slightly into his skin.

Then, the door to his room opened as Sapnap stepped in, closing it shut behind him.

"Sap," George called, a delighted tone in his voice as the missing, remaining empty puzzle pieces in his heart started to form themselves back together, "Sap, come here."

The man instantly perked up, complying, walking closer to them. George shifted, parting his legs, and immediately, Sapnap got into the bed, crawling forward on his knees in the empty space between his legs.

"Gogy," Sapnap sighed, lying against his chest, arms wrapping around his waist as he stared up at him, eyes sparkling with awe. "Missed you."

He chuckled and cupped Sapnap's cheek, his heart skipping a beat as the man leaned his head against him. Then, Sapnap inched closer, glancing at his lips before directing his gaze up at him, a silent plea inside his eyes. George nodded, and in the next second, his lips were captured into a sensual, but tender kiss. He let his eyelids fall shut and cocked his head to the side, hands coming around Sapnap’s back, fisting the fabric of his hoodie.

After several seconds, they broke apart, both of them panting heavily as they gazed into each other, Sapnap’s eyes dilated, a shroud of mist glazed over them. George was no better, his toes curling at the lightheaded, out-of-breath state he was in.

“Me too, gimme kisses,” came Dream’s whine from behind him, and he and Sapnap snickered, sensing the pout in his tone.

“Come here, you big baby.” Sapnap smiled, propping onto his knees, and leaned up, meeting Dream halfway over George’s shoulder, trapping him between their bodies as they shared a lazy kiss.

For several minutes they remained there, cuddled up together, sharing kisses. With each passing second, the tension in George’s abdomen seemed to grow, hips twitching, knuckles white from his firm grip, holding onto them, but it wasn’t enough, he needed more, more, more, so much more-

“More,” he rasped, a gasp escaping his lips as teeth grazed over the hollow of his neck, “I- I need more,”

“What do you want?” Sapnap purred as he caught George’s lower lip between his teeth, lightly tugging just enough for a droplet of crimson to appear. “Use your words, darling.”



George grabbed Dream’s hand that was on his hip, pulled it up, and guided the palm over his throat, thick, strong fingers wrapping around him. Two audible gasps were heard as he applied pressure, a breathy moan escaping his lips at the immediate constriction of oxygen.


Revolting tendrils, a reflection of his soul, uncurled as they slowly loomed closer, twisting, slithering around two helpless souls, enclosing around each limb, creeping around their necks, around their heads, shielding their eyes away from the monstrosity before them. Jagged thorns pierced their delicate flesh, a trail of deep crimson dripping down their bodies, rolling down their cheeks.

They despised each other. They would kill, torture, and destroy each other.

They were in love.

And this marks the end of this story! Thank you all for the nice comments and sticking till the end!

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