Chapter 10

596 13 11

1 year later

~ Ace AltoBelli ~

Her hair lay spread out across the pillow, her full lips slightly parted. The freckles over her cheeks and across her nose more prominent now that we were in the sun constantly. She twisted her head to the side, her eyes flickering. She hasn't been sleeping, last night was the first night she's properly slept.

"Good morning." She yawned, rubbing her eyes gently.

"Good morning." I kissed her lips softly. These stolen moments were becoming more and more regular. Not like in New York. Everything we did was public to the world.

"Is the baby still asleep?" She asked, about to sit up. I know her routine like the back of my hand. Get up, brush teeth, wash face, check on baby, feed baby, change diaper, put baby back for a nap, shower, change, feed... the list goes on. I nodded, climbing over her and placing myself between her legs.

"Ace." She groaned, but I caught the smile.

"What?" I asked innocently, pressing kisses down her neck and over her breasts, down her stomach. She bit her lip, watching me.

"We have things to do." She said, but not making any point of moving or trying to move me.

"They can wait." I gripped her thighs, tugging her gently towards me. She smiled, shimming herself down. My cock aches just looking at how perfect she is. I lined myself up at her entrance, holding her eyes thinking back to all the shit we've been through. But all that comes to mind. Is how much I've loved every damn minute of it.

I slid into her, watching her eyes flutter close in pleasure. Since the baby was born, I've been trying to get Halo pregnant again. The doctor said she needed at least six weeks to rest.

...I gave her six...


No difference.

Three months later, and still no further forward with another baby on the way. I moved in and out of her, feeling her tighten around me. "Ace." She moaned, arching her back up.

"You're so fucking beautiful, Halo." I panted, watching my greatest treasure thrive in the feel of me. Moments later we both came, crashing on the bed in an unbelievable orgasm.

We both lay in each other's arms, watching the waves of the ocean crash onto the rocks, the calm wind swaying the palm trees. This was everything. Everything that I never knew I wanted.

"I should go get the baby." She sighed, sitting up and taking the sheets with her.

"No." I pulled her back down. "It's my turn." I kissed her gently, then swooped up off the bed.

"Ace!" She called, but I was already halfway down the hall. "You don't exactly have the facilities to feed the baby!" I chuckled. Opening the door to the nursery and spotting my little one.

Already awake and rolling from side to side. Probably hungry as usual. "Good morning." I hummed, picking her up.

I was confident we were having a boy. I even bought a suit for the little man. Halo didn't approve. But then Myla came out. Don't get me wrong, I love her with all my heart, and I couldn't be any happier. I just don't know what to do with her. Sometimes, I just have to stare at her in hope that she'll tell me what she wants.

I picked Myla up; she wrapped her little hand round my finger like she always does. "Let's go see mama." I kissed her nose, then walked through to our bedroom spotting Halo lying in bed still. She had fallen back asleep.

Leather In a heaven [Book:2] - EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now