Sebas let out a silent sigh—that is the first one for mine—as he continued watching his master grumble over piles of papers.

"Hu..." Twenty.

A series of knocks erupted from the door, snapping Momonga from his focus on the papers. From the other side, a muffled voice could be heard. "It's me, Hiyori. I'm here with the data."

"Oh." Momonga straightened his back and cleared his throat. "Come in, Hiyori."

The door creaked open and two people stepped in; Hiyori and Lamia. The archangel was holding a folder filled with papers, I'm guessing the defensive systems, and Lamia by her side accompanying her. They walked their way to his table, greeting Sebas on the way, and placed the folder in front of him.

"As told, I got the data." Hiyori looked at the mess that was Momonga's desk and raised an eyebrow. "And... what is this clutter?"

Momonga groaned as he leaned back to the chair. "The data of Nazarick's defensive system. It's a sizable amount considering the place has multiple floors."

"You look like you're stressing over it."

"I am."

"Why don't you ask for some help? Like Sebas, who's standing right next to you."

Momonga darted his eyes towards the butler, who was nodding lightly, making the overlord wince at his forgetfulness.

"Look, I forgot we're in the game. I thought NPCs can't do paperwork!"

"Well, get it in your skull, bonehead!"

"Was that two puns in a row?"

Hiyori waved her hand dismissively as she walked over to sit on the couch. Lamia followed, standing behind her master, awaiting further orders—like how Sebas was to Momonga. Hiyori noticed this behavior and pointed it out to Momonga.

"Hey, do you think the NPC's get tired after standing for so long?"

Momonga gave her a look before shrugging lightly. "I think so? They get tired, just as when Aura and Mare were fighting the Primal Fire Elemental."

Hiyori softly hummed. "Lamia, Sebas?"

"Yes, Lady Hiyori?" They replied at the same time.

"Come sit with me. And don't deny this offer," she quickly intervened, knowing well what these loyal subordinates would say. "It's an order."

Sebas and Lamia glanced at each other, confused at Hiyori's orders. But they obeyed when the both of them sat down on the sofas that were in front of Momonga's desk. Lamia was beside Hiyori while Sebas was sitting opposite of Hiyori.

Hiyori smiled when she noticed the two relaxing a bit, released from the tension of standing constantly.

"Well then. How are things looking on your side?" The archangel started the discussion.

Momonga picked one from the piles that were scattered throughout and read it. "Aside from minor inconveniences found in the system, things are looking good."

Hiyori hummed. "How about the guardians?"

"If we're talking about before the transition, then they were doing things systematically—to the dot. After that, it is the same but consider some breaks between."

"Oh, that makes sense. Conclusively, there are no major issues?"

Momonga nodded. "There could be some reinforcements, but they can easily be done. How about Teruteru?"

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