Niki x reader pt 3

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TW Hemophobia


Minx walked in my room with a smirk on her face and said "you're girlfriend is waiting on the couch for you" "shut up Minx and go to your room" ge ok mom" I walked out of my room and went down the stairs and saw a beautiful girl playing with my cat Lucky I desisted to speak up and say "Hay Beautiful" I said. she looked at me with a slite blush on her face "Hay darling" she said I blushed and walked tords her and said "I see you've met Lucky" "Ya he's cute" I smiled and sat down across from her and looked at her petting Lucky it was quite cute. I looked away because it was so cute it wasn't long before the silence  broke " What are we going to do?" she questioned me looking me in the eye's "You want to go get something to eat?" "Sure" she smiled at me I put my shoes on and we were walking some where "Where do you want to eat at?"

Niki POV

She had asked me what I wanted to eat so I just gave a simple answer and said "I don't really care how about MacDonald's? she gave me a soft smile and I gave her a smile back. while we were walking I felt a hand interlock with mine I looked over to see Y/N looking the other way while holding my hand so I excepted it and keep on walking to McDonalds.


we walked in to the McDonalds still holding hands. We were waiting standing in line when a lady came up behind us 


A lady taped my shoulder I turned around to a middle age woman about in her 40's or 50's  "May I help you mama?" I said in a confused tone " I just wanted to say no one want's to see you decsting human being's holding hands in public it's decusting to see two woman together life is meant for men and woman to be together and have kids together not the same sex to be together I hope you know you'll burn in HELL FOR ALL ETRNITY AND NEVER DIE" I was speechless and about to cry I felt Niki turn me round and hug me I started to cry a little bit "Hay let's get food and go back to your house how does that sound?" I heard her whisper in my ear I nodded my head agents her neck.


We were walking back to my house when Niki started to speak up "Sorry about that lady back there I didn't mean for you to cry because of her I'm sorry" than she hugged me I hugged her back and said "It's ok it's not your fault. Anyway Niki I wanted to ask you a question" she nodded her head giving me the go-ahead I took a deep breath "Sins we meet I was in love with you and I was wondering if you would want to be my partner?" I looked away with a little blush and nerviness in my gut I felt a hand pick up my head to look me in the eye I looked her in the eye just to than fell her lips smash into mine I pulled way a little bit after to get air and looked Niki in her eyes just before she could talk two people yelled "POOOOG CHAMP" we looked over to see Tommy and Wilbur looking at us I wanted to run after that kid and smack him on the head but Niki said "Shut up Tommy you just mad because you can't get a girl and I can" I started laughing so did Wilbur and Niki. Niki garbed are bag of food and my hand we walked across the street "See Niki I told you that she like's you to"

(659 words) 

thank all of you for reading this story sorry it took so long to make have a good Day, Night or evening make sure to get something to eat and something to drink because you know what they say hydrate or die striate 

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