Request for hallohellohola

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Sophie's(22) POV:-

I am so nervous. Today is the day we're practicing administering local anesthesia. I am a second year medical student in the field of dentistry and we're in our class now. My partner laid down on the chair as it was my turn to administer it. I'm not nervous about delivering it, I'm nervous about getting it. 

"Good job Sophie!", Doctor Harry Styles smiled and clapped as I administered the injection properly. You smiled and started removing your gloves. "Thank you doctor Styles."

He is our professor and is a really cool guy. Calls all of us by our first names, jokes around in class, and is also a great teacher. 

"Your turn now Alexa, switch with Sophie.", doctor Styles said and I freaked out inside. My partner got up, patted me on the shoulder and waved for me to sit in the chair. I did, shaking slightly. 

I am dead afraid of needles. I hate them. 

I know I should get over it because I have to administer it to my patients when I become a dentist but I just can't.

My partner told me to open and I had to. I closed my eyes as the needle came close and then I lost it. I couldn't keep calm. I freaked out and my eyes started to water, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Sophie? Do you want me to stop?", Alexa asked thinking it was her mistake. I just shook my head and she continued, silent tears rolling down my cheeks, my hands chaking and chest heaving. I'm embarrassing myself, this is so horrible. 

Not only that, doctor Styles is watching all this! He looked surprised.

 What would he think of me? That I'm a baby who can't take an injection? Well, it's true.

"Good job Alexa.", Doctor Styles smiled softly and Alexa quickly let me got off the chair. 

"M-May I be excused to the-", I start, not looking at my professor, but at my feet.

"You may.", I heard him before I could complete. "And I want to meet you in my office after class alright?"

"Yes sir.", I muttered and turned around, making a bee line to the bathroom. I wanted to ask why he wanted to meet me since he hadn't said anything, but I couldn't get my mouth to work and all I could think of at that time was escaping the mess that I had made.

I returned to class after cleaning up, my eyes were still red and puffy from crying. I dreaded going to Doctor Styles' office after class but it was finally time and I had do it. I slowly took my books, bag and walked to his office.

I knocked on the door. "Come in.", I heard him and I went in. He was still in his scrubs and turned to see me. He smiled warmly. 

"Hi Sophie. Take a seat.", he pointed to the dental chair. "You can keep your stuff here.", he said patting his desk where he was working on and I kept my stuff there, going to the dental chair. Why did he want me to sit on the dental chair?

He got up from the desk and washed his hands before sitting on the stool next to the chair.

"Sooo, how's life?", he asked, his eyes sparkling as he smiled and rolled on his stool like a little kid. He always seemed younger than he really is to me, he's twenty eight. We started to talk about life and had a little chat. He made me quite comfortable, asking me about different things. He also told me about his weekend plans.

Then he asked, "Sophie, can I give you a checkup?"

"Um, sure.", I answered confused. He smiled again and reached for his gloves, sliding them on his hands with a snap sound. He leaned me back and positioned the light to my mouth. He rolled his chair closer to me, brought the tray of tools also closer and grabbed the mirror and explorer.

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