In A Dream (Blaise Zabini)

Start from the beginning

"No. I am not telling you my name" he strictly said. I frowned. I had been trying to get a name out of him for weeks since I really liked spending time with him and it probably would've been better if we hung out in real life.

"I haven't even said anything yet"

"But I already know what you're gonna say" he shook his head, scribbling on a piece of paper before muttering an enchantment "Here" he holds the parchment with an envelope

"What is this?" I take it cautiously. It was a simple envelope with parchment that served as the letter itself. I turned it over and saw two initials, 'B.L'

"It's what'll help us communicate outside of the dream realm. I have an exact one, but with your initials on it-"

"You know who I am?" I ask incredulously

"It wasn't hard to tell by your voice and the small details I remember on your face from after I wake up"

"You could be wrong though"

"Guess I'll just take that chance. As I was saying, it'll glow and alert you when I write to you and it'll do the same to me when you write to me" I nod, holding onto the envelope with the empty letter in my hand, making sure that it wouldn't slip away from my hands when I wake up and go back to the real realm.


"Looks like its time for you to wake up" he spoke as we listened to the familiar chiming of the bells, indicating that it was time for me to go

"Yeah. I'll... write to you later, I guess" I said as I walked to the door, giving him one last smile before exiting and going through the white glowing hallways once more. With the letter still clasped in my hands, I walk back to where I first appeared from, and the next moment I opened my eyes I was in the girls' dormitories in my bed with my curtains shut.

I look at my hand and smile. The letter was still there. I tuck it away into my school bag by the head of the bed and open my bed curtains. Megan, Susan, and Hannah were slowly waking up whilst our other roommate was still dead asleep.

"G'morning" Megan spoke, getting up from her bed and stretching


"G'night," Susan said before crashing herself down on her bed

"Get up! We can't be late for breakfast!" Hannah trudged over to Susan's bed and started pulling her by her feet.

Susan groaned, "Go bother Allinski or something" she pointed to our other roommates' bed which was now empty

"She's awake," I say as I got up and started to prepare for today


"Susan! Get up! Helga, you're going to be blaming us later when you get late because 'we didn't wake up! Now hurry and get ready! We're not gonna wake you up anymore if you fall asleep" Hannah grumbled, also starting to get dressed.

I was already fully dressed and ready by the time Susan decided to get up. "I'll see you guys in the hall" I took my bag and left the dormitories.

Seating myself somewhere in the middle of the Hufflepuff table, I start helping myself to some breakfast.

I was eating some pancakes and bacon when I felt my bag start to heat up and glow. I rush to open my bag and look for the source before anyone can notice. Peeking in the bag, I found the envelope glowing. I reach in and take it. Despite it making my bag hot, it was certainly cool to touch.

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