Chapter 3- OMG

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I started jumping up and down with excitement, I couldn't believe that he saw my DM and even took the time to reply to it!! I was squealing with excitement, I was to excited to even open it right away.

After a little while I got myself to calm down, I sat on my bed and opened up instagram, my heart was pounding and my palms were sweaty, I was so nervous to open his DM I couldn't even imagine what he would of said back to me.

I finally gathered the confidence to open the DM...

Hey back cutie :]

OMG he called me cute?!?! My emotions were all over the place, I had no idea what to say back to him right now.
I left him on open for about half hour while I thought of a reply.
I finally thought of something to say....

What are you up to? :]]

I hit send, omg how did it take me so long just to say something as boring as that, I freaked out and went on my pc to play my Minecraft world to calm my nerves.

After about an hour on my Minecraft world I got up and went downstairs to make me and Zander dinner. I started cooking some chicken and got some green beans out the fridge and started cooking them to. I finished cooking and called Zander to come eat.

We ate and then I headed out to my car to run to my local 711 I was craving a blue razz slushie.

I parked my car and locked it and headed inside to make my slushie. While I was at the slushie machine I overheard two girls talking about something they were looking at on their phones...

RANDOM GIRL 1-"I sent Karl Jacobs a DM about his recent post and he never answered me!"

RANDOM GIRL 2- "So did I!! I'm so sad he didn't answer but I guess he doesn't have time to check all the DMS he gets."

Idk why but hearing them say that made me so happy, it made me feel so special that Karl had answered me :]

I got home locked the door and headed up to bed with the thought of Karl in my head, I couldn't help but wonder if he would reply again, and if he did I couldn't wait :] .....

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