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Evie sat in her father's lab as he looked over a clipboard to do experiments on her to see what her powers exactly were. So far they've tested over twenty elements and chemicals and they discovered that Evie can turn herself into fire, or make fire and use it as a weapon, can turn her entire body or just certain limbs into lead or steel, and can turn invisible or fly by using helium. They also found out that Evie controls the powers through her emotions, when she's angry she can use her fire, when she feels protective she can turn into steel or lead, and when she's embarrassed or scared she can turn invisible or fly away from the situation.  As her dad typed sometimes out onto his computer he remembered what Evie had said earlier that week.

"Didn't you say that Aqua Lad kid invited you onto some 'team' and you were going to join it?" Her dad asked as he swiveled his chair around to see her, sitting on his desk next to him, texting someone on her phone.

"Bro yeah he did, didn't tell me where it was, who to call, email, text, fax, carrier pigeon or smoke signal to become part of said team. So yeah, I wouldn't mind joining the team but I'm not going out of my way to do so." Evie said, never looking up from her phone. 

Her dad blinked a few times then shrugged. "Yeah that's true. If they were really worried about you joining the team they would have given you a way to contact them."

And almost as if it were clockwork, there was a knock at the door. They looked at each other as Evie hopped off the counter and walked upstairs. The cavalier, now named Zero, sat patiently, wagging his tail waiting for his new owner to open the door.

"Back it up Zero, this is for me." Evie said as she swung the door open, coming eye to eye with Aqua Lad.

The comedic timing of this is something fierce.

"Ah, howdy Aqua Lad, how's it hangin?" Evie said as she gesture for him to come in.

He nodded, stepping inside, not telling her how it was 'hangin' which in Evie's book is just flat out rude. "I was, uh, in the neighborhood, and was curious as to if you gave anymore consideration to the offer to join the team. You never contacted us to give us an answer"

Evie looked at him, eyebrow already cocked, "My dude, you never gave me a way to contact you if I wanted to either way."

Aqua Lad gave her a confused look, "I thought we gave you an address to go to."

"I mean clearly you didn't cause I never went anywhere other than my daily routine places." Evie said.

"My apologies Evie. But have you given any consideration?" He asked.

"I don't have anything better to do so yeah sure, why the heck not." Evie said as she went to grab her purse. "Hey dad! I think Aqua Lad is taking me to their base, I'll let you know when we get there!"

"Let me know if you get murdered!" He yelled back from the basement.

As they got closer to the supposed 'base' Evie was starting to think Aqua Lad was going to murder her. He hadn't said a word as he led her down a trail of alley ways and backroads. He finally stopped in front of a dilapidated phone booth, and finally said something to her.

"I have to go in and give you access. After I go through go sit in it and it will zeta you to the cave." He said as he stepped in and shut the door.

"It will what me to the cave?" Evie asked, watching a bright light shine from the booth, causing her to cover her face. After Evie's eyes stopped being burnt to a crisp she was finally able to grab the handle and open up the booth, seeing Aqua Lad wasn't there anymore.

She slowly stepped in and sat down in the seat. There was a screen on the opposite side of the booth, Evie reached out and tapped it a few times. Suddenly a robotic voice came out of somewhere in the booth.

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