Chapter 4: A Pressing Engagement

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They enter the hallway, making sure nobody's around. "Zordon, we read you," Jason says. "Power Rangers, Rita Repulsa is at it again. It's imperative that you teleport to the Children's Theatre in the Park immediately." Zordon says. "What's going on?" Jason asks. "She has sent down a team of Puttie and an unknown monster. In attempt to gain control of the careful and let the Power Protect you." Zordon says. "It's Morphin' time guys!" Jason says. They grab their Morphers and each call out their Dinos. "Mastadon!" Zack calls out. "Pterodactyl!" Kimberly calls out. "Plesiosaurus!" Penelope calls out. "Tyrannosaurus!" Jason calls out. They arrive at the park and begin fighting the putties. "Let's finish these putties!" Jason says. "This is weird. It's almost like they're after something!" Kimberly says. "We are!" The King Spinx says as he laughs and flaps his wings in Kimberly's direction. Then Kimberly vanishes just like that. "What happened to Kim?" Jason asks. "I don't know, but I'm gonna find out! Where's Kim?" Zack asks, holding a Putty by its head before flipping it to the ground. Before pointing to Squatt and Baboo. "We're not telling." Squatt says."Oh yeah?" Zack asks before attacking them. "It wasn't them. It was the Spinx." Jason says. "Where is he?" Zack asks. "I don't know, but I don't like this!" Penelope says fighting off a few Putties. The Spinx laughs flapping his wings in Zack's direction, and Zack vanishes. "Not Zack too! Jason, we're outnumbered here!" Penelope says, getting held by a few putties before breaking free from them. "C'mon, Spinx, show yourself you coward!" Penelope yells out. "Okay!" The Spinx says while laughing and flapping his wings, and Penelope goes back to the Youth Center, in front of Kim on the balance beam. "That was really weird," Kim says, quietly. "Yeah." Zack and Penelope say in unison. "Jase is really in trouble, he and I were outnumbered," Penelope says.

"You guys!" Zack says as he, Kimberly, and Penelope rush into Billy's lab. "Billy, Trini!" Kimberly says. "Jason's in big trouble," Zack says. "We have to help him," Penelope says. "Why? What's up?" Billy asks. "Rita has him," Kimberly says. "Oh no," Billy says. "You guys, he may need his friend's way more than he knows," Kimberly says, as Zack and Penelope both nod. "Jason? Jason, can you read me? Jason?" Trini asks into her Communicator. Zack claps his fist into his hand. "Let's teleport to the Command Center, right now," Kimberly says. "Yeah, let's go," Trini says. They explain to Zordon what happened. "Alpha, adjust the Morphing Grid and locate Jason on the Viewing Globe," Zordon says. "I think I have a fix on him. Ah, there." Alpha says. They see Jason running away from King Spinx and Goldar. The five turn back around as Trini begins talking, "Zordon, this seems hopeless." "Indeed it would be. Were it not for your Power Crystals." Zordon says. "Of course, put your hands together and bring forth the Power Crystals!" Alpha says. The five do as they're told and Power Crystals appear in their hands. "These Crystals contain the Essence of your Morphing Powers. Use them to find each other in any peril, and with your Zords to draw Power from the very heart of the Morphing Grid...I am sending the Crystals directly to Jason...once in his possession, you will be able to join him to stop the King Spinx and Goldar...together, they are nearly call your Zords quickly and let the Power Protect you...Alpha, tap into the Grid and send the Crystals through Jason's Zord...hurry Alpha, he doesn't have much time." Zordon says. Once Alpha has their Crystals, he sends them to Jason.

The other Rangers arrive at Jason's location already Morphed. "Now you're gonna see what friends working together can do. Dinosaur Power!" Jason says, calling the Zords, they arrive. "All right! Activating Dinosaur Power now! Rangers, log on!" Jason says as the others jump into their Zords. "Zack here, let's rock and roll!" "Billy here, all systems go." "Trini here, set and ready." "Penelope here, locked and loaded." "Let's jinx this Spinx!" Kimberly says. "All right, Rangers, it's time to power up!" Jason says, placing the tip of his Crystal into his Zord. "2, 1...Power up!" The other Rangers say, placing the tips of their Crystals into their Zords as well. "Time for a little Megazord Power!" The Zords transform into a tank. "Let's show them what we're made of!" Jason says looking at the others. "Morphin'!" The rest of the Rangers say in unison. Goldar blasts the Meagzord. "Power up the Cannons!" Jason says, and they blast King Spinx and Goldar. "Let's try the Crystal Power!" Jason says, and they blast both Goldar and King Spinx with their Crystal Power. "Yeah!" Jason, Zack, Trini, and Kimberly say in unison. "Alright." Billy and Penelope call out. But much to the Ranger's surprise, King Spinx and Goldar are still standing and are charging at their Megazord rather quickly. "What?" Most of the Rangers question. "No way?" Kimberly asks. Goldar hits the Megazord with his sword, shaking the whole thing and causing the Rangers to freak out a bit. Goldar and King Spinx back off before they shoot beams from their weapons once again shaking the entire Megazord. "Shift into battle mode and finish this dude!" Jason says. "Right!" Billy and Trini say in union while giving Jason a thumbs up. "Morphin,'" Kimberly and Zack said, also giving Jason a thumbs up. "Power up to transformation sequence!" Jason says. "Megazord sequence has been initiated." The computer says. The Megazord begins transforming into battle mode. "Penelope, the Plesio is able to become a Megazord as well. Or you can combine with the other Rangers Megazord!" Alpha informs Penelope, as the Megazord finishes transforming. "I don't think I can do it on my own." Jason nods, "Plesio Zord, combine! Megazord armed and ready!" He says. "Uh-oh." Goldar and King Spinx say. "You guys ready? Let's nail them." Jason says as Goldar and King Spinx charge towards them. "Keep it steady! Watch out for that Spinx!" Jason says. The Rangers begin fighting Goldar and King Spinx when the Megazord's cockpit lights begin flickering. "What's going on?" Kimberly asks. "Switching to tank mode!" Jason says the Megazord switches back to tank mode, and then the Rangers blast Goldar before switching back to Battle mode. They blast both, Goldar and King Spinx and all the Rangers celebrate. But the moment is short-lived, when King Spinx attacks the Megazord, and the Rangers begin fighting back. "That was close," Trini says, putting her head in her hand. "These dudes are starting to get on my nerves," Zack says looking at Jason with his fist balled. Goldar begins attacking and the Rangers fight back. "Watch the flank! Uh-oh, look out!" Jason says as King Spinx begins flapping his wings and once again laughing like a maniac. "Man, we're getting nowhere with these guys! It's time to turn up the heat! Mega Power Sword now!" Jason calls out as the Power Sword comes down from the sky and sticks in a rock, the Megazord pulls it from the rock as it twinkles at the tip. "You're through Spinx!" Jason says. "Hi-yah!" The Rangers shout making a motion with their hands. The sword becomes charged up, and they slash the sword at King Spinx and destroy him. "Way to go Power Rangers, one down and one to go," Alpha says. "All right, now let's finish him," Jason says. "Right!" All the Rangers say in unison. "Drats! We'll meet again, Power Rangers!" Goldar says, before vanishing. The Rangers emerge victorious.

Back at the Youth Center Jason is back to lifting. "1,004, 1,005." Trini counts. "Come on Jason, top it out, man!" Zack says. Billy stands beside Zack, Penelope beside Billy, Kimberly behind Jason, and Trini on Jason's left. "1,005, 1,006." Trini counts. "All right you're gonna do it!" Kimberly says. "1,007." "Give me more, give me more. 1,008." Kimberly says. "1,009, 1,010!" Everyone cheers. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a new record!" Trini says. "And he comes through, yeah!" Zack says. "Way to go, Jason!" Penelope says. "We knew you could do it, Jason!" Trini says. "I couldn't have done it without you guys," Jason says, as Zack and Trini help him up. "Hey, your outstanding performance will have an outstanding legacy," Billy says patting Jason on the back. "Yep," Trini says, smacking her hand on top of Jason's. "What?" Jason asks. "This record's gonna last a long time," Trini says, as the others nod in agreement. Erine comes in with a sheet cake on a rollaway cart, "Excuse me...pardon me. Out of the way...don't touch the I'm asking is this a cake or is this a cake?" Ernie asks, stopping in front of the Rangers. "Happy Birthday, Mom?" Jason asks as the others laugh. "What do you expect for the last minute? It was the only cake they had left." Ernie says. "Thanks for being there for me, guys," Jason says. "Hey, muscle brains." Bulk says from behind the six, causing them to turn around. "I'm gonna get me record back." "Yeah, muscle brains," Skull says while chewing on some gum, before laughing. Bulk grabs Skull by the shirt pulling Skull towards him. "Shut up...I can do my own talking." "Sorry," Skull says, as Bulk pulls him along. "You guys, get a life," Kimberly says. "Come on, don't you guys ever give up?" Trini asks. "Yo, man, why don't you just have a piece of cake and chill?" Zack asks. "Cake? Yeah, alright I'll have some cake...but I get the first piece." Bulk says. "Yeah, the first piece," Skull says. "I thought I told you to shut up!" Bulk says as he trips over some weights on the floor, going face-first into the cake. Skull comes over and points at Bulk, laughing. "You look so funny!" Skull tells Bulk as he has his elbow propped up on Bulk's shoulder. Bulk grabs a handful of cake, smashing it in Skull's face. This causes the Rangers to laugh harder.

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