Chapter 15: End of the Line ~ Part 2

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Hey guys! I hope you are as excited as I am for this next chapter. And don't worry, there will be two, possible three more books after this! I'll have an Author's Note after this with more dets, but for now, hope you enjoy this chapter! This will also be in Yaz Pov, btw. Love ya peeps!

(Previously on 'Welcome to Camp Cretaceous!')

We then spot a sign, saying 'Exit to Dock: 1000 ft.' We all sigh in relief, then run to the exit. We all begin to laugh as we spotted a light up ahead, then as quickly as we smiled, it faded away as we saw a dead end. "No! No, no, no, no!" Kenji ran up to the lock down wall; our only way to get home was blocked. We all began to move things around, looking for something to open it. "There's gotta be a door or..." "There's no way out." Brooklyn says to the rest of us. "Ugh! The must've sealed it off after the park was finished." "Ugh! Can't anyone associated with this place make just one good decision?!" I groan. Just as I finish, we hear the low, but distant rumbles of Toro. There's no way out...


Yaz Pov

We run to hide, trying to stay as quiet as we can. "Darius, what do we do now?" Kenji asks nervously. "I--I don't know." He looks down as the ground. "But you always know." Sammy tries to encourage him. "I don't know!" he shouts out, holding his head. "I don't know what to do. I didn't know what to do about Y/n, Ben or Bumpy, or about when the Indominus rex attacked." He stood up and hit the way a few times. "All I did was make bad choices and get into trouble and mess everything up. You never should have trusted me. I should've just stayed home. I'm a dino-nerd who played a video game, and I'm no good at this." 

"But you are." Kenji spoke up. Darius turned to him and the rest of us. "Good at this." He corrected himself. "I mean, like, I'm not sure you're fine at video games, too, not downplaying that," I poked him with my taser, of course off, while Brooklyn elbowed him. "But...none of us would have known what to do, Darius. Bu because you didn't give up, we didn't give up either." "You kept us goin', no matter what some of us have done." Sammy added in. "You made us feel like we were in this together." I finished and sat beside Sammy. I looked at her for a couple of moments, then looked down. "So, we are. We're a team. We're your team." "Things fall apart." Brooklyn speaks up. "And that's okay because when that happens..." "We pick up the pieces and we keep on going." Darius finished, then smiled up at us.

We all helped him up to his feet, then we all hear Toro roar again, however this time it is much closer. "He's getting closer." Brooklyn whispers. "Let's see what's in these crates." Darius commands, and we all get to work. "Come on, something pointy! Come on, something hurty!" Kenji whispers to himself while pulling off the top of a crate. "Come on..." He is then silenced as there is only a crate full of randomized things. "Ugh, medical supplies?" "We had these around the house after my dad got sick." Darius says while examining the items inside of the crate. "Super compressed air, sensitive to pressure and heat!" "Might be able to scare Toro off." Brooklyn suggests. "Or distract him long enough for us to find another exit." Darius says, holding one of the cans. "Kenji, Brooklynn, let's get this crate loaded on that cart. Sammy, use those bandages and tape to make a fuse. We're gonna need something to light it with." I stand up and turn on the taser. "How about this?" I say with a smirk.

I gasped as the sound of Toro was drawing near. Soon, we all got into places, setting our trap for Toro. Once it was set, we waited for Darius's signal to set it. He peered around the corner for a couple of minutes, then signaled us. "Light it up."

I turn on the taser and touch it with the end of the fuse. It doesn't light. "Um, Yaz?" Brooklyn whispers. "I'm trying! It won't light!" I whisper loudly back, continuing to try and light it. "Wait! Hand sanitizer!" Kenji whispers, then reaches in Ben's fanny pack. "This stuff will burn." He dumps the last of it over the fuse, and I try it again. Sure enough, it lights. "Thanks, Ben." Brooklyn whispers. "Now!" Darius commands. We all push the cart toward Toro, as the fuse begins to make it's way into the crate. "Come on, come on." Darius whispers hopefully. However, Toro charges it, and sends the pieces flying all around us. All around us, the piles of crates begin to be engulfed in flames. "Run!" Darius screams. "Where?" "Anywhere!" I try to run away from Toro, as he is busy with Kenji. I try to hobble as fast as I can, but then Toro starts charging my way. Just as I am about to get eaten, a wood plank is thrown at his head, distracting him. I then began to hop from crate to crate, trying to get away. I missed one, and then fell on the rails. I try to walk on my ankle, then I begin to slip. Suddenly, a warm hand grabs hold of my arm, supporting me. I look up to face Sammy, her eyes wide with fear. "Thanks." I whisper, sighing in relief. We all run and hide behind another pile of crates, trying to get out of range from Toro. Just then, Darius stops and points the taser stick at the now open can's of air, and throws it toward it. I grab hold of Sammy, and close my eyes as the entire room is engulfed in smoke and flame. 


We all open our eyes and begin to cough and groan. "Is everyone, okay?" Darius asks, coughing a few times himself. "Uh, surprisingly, yeah." Brooklyn sighs in relief. "Whoo-hoo! We did it. We beat..." Kenji is cut short as Toro emerges from a pile of fallen rubble and stone, him roaring out in anger. I turn around once I get behind a crate. He is now covered in burns and scars, he was barely able to stand now. We all just sit there, in silence, his sun pool eyes staring deep into ours. We all wait for his next move; would he attack? 

Instead, he grunts, and turns around, heading back into the tunnel in wench he came. We all then began to smile and laugh with each other, cheering at our success. 

"Whoo! Yeah! That's what you get!"

"Take that, Toro!"

"That's how you do it!"

"Doesn't get better then this!" Kenji rolls on his back and sighs. "Wanna bet?" I say out loud, pointing to the now fallen wall. 


We all run through the jungle, and with every step we took, it was like another weight was lifted off us. We finally made it to the dock, and we all stopped. All of us gasped and our eyes were wide. "They're gone." Darius says to us, panting. "They're all gone. They'll be back for us, won't they?" Sammy asks, looking to Darius hopefully. "Of course they will." Darius turns to the rest of us, reassuring us. "And until then, we've got each other." He then walks over to Kenji, elbowing his shoulder a bit. "Right, Mr. VIP?" "Absolutely, Dino-nerd."

"Hey, don't forget 'superstar'." Brooklynn adds in, smiling at Darius and Kenji. "Barf." I make a face at them, then smile.

'We thought it would be fun. We thought we'd be safe. But we didn't realize the horror waiting for us  on the island. Claws, teeth, much screaming. Despite all the hardships, we'll never give up. We'll keep fighting. That's the promise we make every day we get. We will survive. We will get home. Because no matter what happens, no matter what this place throws at us next, none of us are in this alone.

(Clip of What May Be Happening to Y/n, Ben and Bumpy.)

Bumpy pads along a dirt clearing, her footsteps almost silence. She chirped happily as she spots something. She sees a boy and a girl lying on their back and side, and pads up to them and starts to lick their arms and faces. All is silent, no movement, no breathing, nothing. Then, the slightest twitch comes from the boys hand. Suddenly, the silence is broken in the air as the girl sits up and gasps.


End of Book 1: Welcome to Camp Cretaceous!

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this story. 1,462 words for this chapter. Fell free to check out more books for this series soon! Bye!

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