The Quarry - Part 23

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They knew it couldn't last. During the daylight, when they were spending time with Jon and laughing and happy, it was easy to forget the threats that were looming, but at night, when they were left with only their thoughts, the reality of the situation crept back in. Din and Versa spent those hours absorbed in each other, trying to stave off the dread and the darkness that hung over every happy moment, but several weeks after they arrived, they were no longer able to push those thoughts away, even when the sun was up.

Jon's condition quickly began to deteriorate. He'd started to have violent coughing fits that would wrack his entire body and leave him exhausted. Keeping food down had become a struggle, and Versa and Lai normally sat with him during his meals, ready with a waste bin if he became ill. Din had taken up the job of distracting Vee as things progressed. She would go see her father during the rare times he was feeling well enough, but Lai would ask Din to keep her busy when Jon was at his worst. "I don't want the bad moments to be her last memories of her father." Din had nodded, taking Vee on walks outside when things became especially loud in the house.

The doctor that had been caring for Jon started to become a regular presence in the home, and as a result, Din resumed wearing his helmet and armor. It almost felt appropriate, as if he was bracing for a battle, and he was glad to have the helmet to hide his face again.

Versa had flung herself into her brother's care at a breakneck pace, as if keeping herself busy would not allow her to realize what was happening. She had grown quiet during the nights, and Din would pull her to his chest as she laid next to him. He had expected her to break at some point, but she didn't cry, and that almost unnerved him more.

At the start of the fifth week, the doctor once again came to visit, and at the conclusion of his evaluation of Jon, he pulled Lai, Versa, and Din into the living room together. Vee was outside playing with her friends, and Din was grateful for that as he watched the two women hold their heads up, their spines straight, bracing for the news they knew was coming.

"It's going to happen today," the doctor said gently. "He's starting to bleed internally and is losing blood faster than I can replenish it, either via plasma production drugs or transfusions." He swallowed hard. "He's in a lot of pain right now, as I'm sure you're aware. What I am proposing is that you allow me to sedate him. I'll give him a heavy dosage, he'll drift off to sleep, and he just won't wake up again. He won't feel anything."

Lai nodded, her eyes shimmering as she spoke. "And...if we wait?" Her voice cracked, and Versa slipped her fingers into Lai's, squeezing tightly.

The doctor met her eyes sadly. "If you wait, his organs are going to shut down one at a time. We have no way of knowing which systems will go first, but regardless, it will be painful. His body just cannot handle the stress any longer, and his immune system is no longer fighting the disease or trying to repair things." He hesitated. "I...I've already talked this through with Jon, and he said that he was ready to go...if you were ready to let him."

"Alright." Lai's jaw was rigid, even with the tears in her eyes threatening to spill over. "How is he right now?"

"Hurting," replied the doctor, "but I can give him some painkillers, and that should make him more himself if you and your daughter would like say goodbye."

Lai looked at Din and he nodded. "I'll go get her," he said quietly.

Versa and Lai rose. "We'll go talk to Jon. Doctor-"

"I'll come with you. If you'd like," the doctor tried to offer helpfully.

"Can you actually wait out here a few moments? I'd like some time alone with my husband."

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