The Quarry - Part 10

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The wind whipped by Din's helmet as they cruised across the sand. As the bike dropped over a dune, he felt Versa's grip tighten on his waist. "Almost there," he called over his shoulder.

"Thank the Maker," he heard her mutter back. "I'm all for exfoliating my skin, Mando, but I think getting my face sandblasted for several hours is a bit excessive, don't you?"

"You've got goggles."

"Yeah, well whoever owned them before has a massive head," she grumbled, readjusting the lenses on her face for the millionth time as they slipped down her nose. They'd been in one of the saddle bags on the bike and unfortunately, were the best protection she had from the sand at the moment.

"You didn't readjust the strap?" he asked teasingly.

"Of course I kriffing did, but this is as tight as they go." She stabbed him in the ribcage with a finger, and he reached down to grab the offending digit.

"If you like that finger where it is, you better knock that off."

She huffed against his shoulder and he grinned under the helmet.

"So, you gonna fill me in on what Jesar said?" she asked.

"Yeah. Jon passed through. Jesar told him you didn't work for him and then tossed out a few locations he could check that had hunters operating out of them."

"That's it?"

"Yeah, did you expect something better?"

He felt her shrug against his back. "Hoped for something more specific, I guess."

"All things considered, I don't think it's bad, Vers. At least it's not a dead end."

"Yeah, guess you're right." There wasn't much enthusiasm as he felt her rest her head against his back and give his torso a light squeeze.

The twin suns were just starting to dip below the horizon as Din pulled into the small town of Mos Doba. It was a tiny settlement with only a few buildings and homesteads scattered within the outer walls. He saw one or two individuals roaming around, but as they drove past, no one gave them a second glance. He slowed to a stop outside of a cantina and dismounted. Versa stared at the small building before swinging her legs over the side and dropping to the ground. She tossed the goggles into the saddlebag and squinted at the broken signage that hung haphazardly near the entrance.

"What makes you think this is the right place?"

"My friend said to meet her in the cantina. Seeing as this appears to be the only one in town, I'm guessing we're in the right place."

She snorted. "Your logic never fails to astound."

"Just come on."

They stepped into the cantina together, Din leading the way and Versa following behind him. Fennec Shand was at a corner table, her helmet resting on the floor next to her foot. She eyed him carefully, giving him a small nod of acknowledgement when he came in before her eyes settled on Versa. Din watched as she went through a range of emotions he'd never seen Fennec express before she finally seemed to settle on anger. She stood and walked quickly towards them. Versa looked up and recognition slowly spread across her face. "Fennec?" The bounty hunter wound up and crashed her elbow against Versa's face with a loud crack. Versa just managed to turn in time to save her nose, but she went down hard before Din could even register what was happening.

Fennec stood over Versa, staring down at her as she laid on the floor holding her face. "Hey there Versa. Have any good meilooruns lately?" she said, venom in her voice. Din's head almost snapped off his neck as sudden understanding seeped in, and he whipped around to stare at Fennec. "It was YOU? You're the meiloorun person?"

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