Selene, Balan and the Cast Member did not know he was there, and that was fine.

But everything eventually became known.


Selene had improvised a tea room on the stage for her and the costumes. They had spent the last few hours cleaning the backstage area, so a small reward was well deserved. Not surprisingly, Lance was there, perched in the heights of the Opera House, not taking his eyes off the Visitor.

"It's a pity that Balan couldn't come..." sighed Castafiore

"He probably had priorities, that's normal. replied calmly Selene between two sips.

"So Selene, do you plan to work on Swan Lake soon?" asked Milky Way innocently.

The ballerina almost choked and looked away, her nose plunged into her porcelain cup.

"-Soon, soon...
-You always say that!
-It's that...Swan Lake is mostly danced by two people and I can't see Balan being a good partner...He's a very good dancer but how can I say...
-He lacks sensitivity?
-You can say it like that...
-You could use one of the mannequins backstage!" Exclaimed Plumy Pirouette.

The young woman tilted her head.

"-That sounds like a good alternative, after all I can't do otherwise."

A sound of a sword coming out of its protection was heard. It was coming from Nutcracker, who took up an attack position.

"-Nutty, what's wrong with you!?"

Selene bent over slightly and hiccupped in surprise.

In the alley leading to the big stage stood a small group of Negati who seemed lost. Lance noticed immediately and his blood ran cold. He had not given an order! The Visitors were used to being frightened by the Negati, which, no lie, he didn't like very much. The Negati were just as adorable and kind as the Tims. Nutcracker's reaction made him grit his teeth and give him a hard, cold look. But he decided not to react. He couldn't react.

" -What are you doing here demon servants!?" Offended Nutcracker.

The puppet felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Selene's stern yet gentle gaze. He reluctantly put his weapon away but remained on the defensive, ready to pull out his claws if anything went wrong.

With both hands clasped to her chest, Selene walked slowly toward the Negati, afraid to scare them. The Negati began to squawk, which frightened every one of the costumes and Cotton except Nutcracker and Castafiore, who merely protected themselves.

Selene crouched down in front of the little creatures, still with a slow movement. She slowly but hesitantly moved her hand towards one of the Negati, a Koso-Koso.

The Negati did not react and Selene put her hand on the head of the little thing. Their slate fur was pleasant to touch, very slightly fluffy. She caressed him very slowly and the little Negati enjoyed it. He gave a few cries of joy and asked for more. The ballerina stroked them one by one, smiling and laughing.

The whole cast, including Lance, was stunned.

"-What adorable little Negati!!!"

However Selene felt a certain aura of negativity more than important but it did not reach her. A Guragura began to play with her hair, intrigued by the beauty of it.

Selene slowly stood up, resting each little Negati on the ground, then turned back to her friends.

Lance was amazed. She was not afraid, on the contrary! He looked at her sympathetically, playing with a lock of her hair with one of his fingers. Would perfection exist?

The Ballerina who wishes to aim for the Stars | Volume 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora