Chapter Ten: YOU THOUGHT!

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Pietro's POV:

Pfft! You ACTUALLY thought we grew old together?! Nope! We actually broke up on New Years, worst day of my life not gonna lie. We where all celebrating New Years at Tony's house when Clint pulled me aside, he told me our relationship wasn't working so we broke up, so I went home and cried for two weeks after that.


I'm currently standing looking at my depressed self in the mirror, last night at about 12 Wanda pinned me down and waxed my legs so she could put a skirt on me for today, not gonna lie, I have woman legs for some reason. I looked at my nails I hadn't repainted in a month, I would probably get shouted at for it being black but I can handle it, probably not but ok. I grabbed my bag and put my trainers on, I was wearing tights as-well, so don't worry! I went downstairs and into the kitchen, "fancy smancy" I looked up, Natasha was standing with Clint and Yelena. I frown, "oh thanks for breaking into my house" I said, putting my bag on the counter. "I-ok" Natasha said, I used my foot to open the drawer while I used my hands to get the milk. I lifted out a spoon and knocked the drawer closed, I put out a bowl and cereal for Wanda. Meanwhile I got myself a glass of orange juice and went with it, "dude, do you not eat breakfast?" Natasha asked as Wanda trudged in. "Well, no. I grab lunch at school, takeaways for dinner" I said, Natasha looked at me. "Hey..did you get braces?" She asked, I sighed. "Yeah, I went yesterday. Then I was FORCED to wax my legs yesterday as well, only day I've been outside since New Years when I got home in all honesty" I said, Wanda had her breakfast and we left.

While we where walking I got stared at for wearing a skirt, "Wanda I feel judged" I said, "you should be" I heard Clint mutter, "fix your hair, why don't you? Looks like a rake" I replied sharply, Clint looked at me and didn't say anything else. Wanda looked at me, I shoved her lightly and walked on.

{2nd period:}

I was brought into the hall by Miss Chambers, "darling, you shouldn't be wearing a're a boy.." she said, I personally took offence to that. "Um, if woman in this school can wear trousers, why the hell can't I wear a skirt? I don't see woman getting told off for trousers, so why do I get told off for skirts?! HM?!" I fought back, she looked at me, nothing else to say. I looked at her and walked back inside the art room, 'dumb Bitch' was my only thought as I sat down and got back to painting.

{4th period}

I did NOT feel well, not at all. I went up to Mr Morton and told him I didn't feel well, he put his hand on my forehead, which he instantly moved away. "Kid, your burning up. I'm gonna have to send you home" he said, i nodded and got my stuff. We went to the front office, "can you call Pietro's parents to come get him?" Mr Morton asked, I looked at him. "Sir, I live with my sister and we're guarded by social services, i have legal authority to sign myself out" I said, sir nodded and left. I sighed myself out and walked out, I went through my contacts. My only option was Melina, yes, Clint's Auntie Melina. She was like a mother to me, after taking me and Yelena to see Cruella I became attached to her. I leaned on a lamppost and called her, a while later she picked up. "Hey Pietro" She answered, "hey Melina, I've been sent out for burning up. And I don't have the strength to walk home, and I'm starting to think I need to go to the doctors.." I said, "don't worry, I'll be there in 2" Melina said and hung up, I smiled.

I was still standing at the lamppost when Melina parked up, I got into the car. "Right, doctors first becuase you don't look fine" she said, i nodded and put my seatbelt on. "So, I heard what happened on New Years" she said, i looked at her. "How?" I asked, "oh darling, I have my ways into my nephews and daughters lives" Melina laughed.

We where sitting waiting at the doctors office when Dr Cho came and got us, we walked into her room and she sat me down. "Right, what's up?" She asked, "I didn't feel well so I got sent out and then Melina said I didn't feel well so she took me to see you" I explained, Cho looked at me. "I'm glad she did, becuase you don't look good" she said, it turns out i had a flu and I was also supposed to be on sleeping meds and ADD meds, so I had to get them and then she just said I would have to probably take it easy and not go into school for a while.

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