Chapter Four: Stony?

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-Natasha's POV-

We where all sitting eating our lunch, "guys" Tony said, we all seemed to look up. "Yeah?" Bucky said, Tony was silent for a moment. "Me and Steve are dating" he said, wait what? Steve and Mr Billionaires Son and Mr Good Ol' Fashion? DATING?!

-Clint's POV-

While half of us where talking about Steve and Tony dating the other half of us where still eating our lunch, "I'm not being offensive or anything, but why do you look so depressed?" Yelena asked Pietro, I stared her dead in the eyes before looking at Pietro. "Because I know something children don't" he said, we listened very closely. "Someone bad, is never truly bad" he said, then his eyes moved to his sister, who was with the other half. "And someone good, is never truly good" he said, Yelena seemed puzzled but I understood it perfectly.

-the next morning-
-3rd person POV-

Melina was up and making breakfast, she put another waffle onto a plate and put it onto the table. She got out the glasses and poured some orange juice into them, she went upstairs and grabbed her air horn. She pressed down on the button and the noise rang through the building. "BREAKFAST!" She shouted, footsteps started and Melina knew everyone was up. She walked back downstairs and sat herself at the table, she sat there for 10 minutes until everyone started filing in. "I have something to annouce" she said, everyone looked up. "I'm pregnant" she said, producing a test from her back pocket. It was silent, "wait what" Yelena coughed, choking on her waffle. Clint slapped her back, "thank you" Yelena wheezed, putting her fork down. "Nice" Natasha said, cutting her waffle up.

Yelena was playing with her dolls in her room, the doorbell rang. She shot up and bolted downstairs, she always made it to the door first. She undid the latch and turned the doorknob, she swung the door open. The twins, Steve, Tony, Bruce and Thor where standing there, "hi!" Yelena said, smiling warmly. "Hello" Wanda said, smiling back. "Why am i here again?" Pietro asked, clearly not amused. "Be quiet" Tony said, Pietro pulled Tony's hair quickly and put his hands back in his pocket. Tony rubbed his head, "NATALIA!" Yelena shouted up the stairs, Natasha came down. "Oh hey!" She said, everyone waved. "Where's the brothers?" Bruce asked, Natasha was silent. "Barney is asleep, Clint's in the basement with my dad doing something" she said, everyone followed her down to the basement. She opened the door, the basement was painted black with LED's around the ceiling and there was a TV and all that. Clint was sitting on a sofa with a guitar and Alexie was on a beanbag with his own guitar, they looked up. "You renovated it?" Natasha asked, Alexie nodded. "What are you doing?" Yelena asked, walking in. "Take a long guess" Clint said, Yelena realised. "Oh ok" she said.

-2 hours later-

Everyone was out at a shopping centre, "Spongebob" Clint said, everyone looked at him. "Spongebob" Clint said again, pointing to the Vans shop. "Oh my god" Wanda whispered, she grabbed Clint and her brothers hands and dragged them away with her. They walked in, " god.." she said, the three went around getting things. In the end Pietro got shoes, Clint got a Patrick jumper and Wanda got a bucket hat.

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