Part 18 - Back home

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When the plane landed in Maradova, a car was waiting for her after she'd texted the maids that she was coming. She knew her parents wouldn't be happy that she was back, but she didn't want to face them yet. Thankfully, Hanna had texted her back saying that the King and Queen were at a social event and wouldn't be there until the evening.

Walking through the airport, Kate put on her sunglasses as to not be recognized. It was easier in England where she wasn't as well known, but in Maradova, people knew her from the news, the magazines, the TV. It was one thing she enjoyed, but hated at the same time.

She made it to the car without being spared too many glances in her direction, and she sunk into the back seat in relief. The chauffeur said nothing, which she was glad about; she didn't feel like talking.

When she got to the palace, Hanna and Midori took her coat and hat from her, and got her luggage from the car.

"It's good to have you back, Princess." Hanna said quietly and Kate smiled before making her way to her room. The palace seemed painfully quiet without Ellie blasting out her heavy metal music or arguing with her parents.

After laying on her bed for a while, Kate heard voices downstairs, then, an even louder shout. "SHE'S WHAT?!"

Then footsteps, and Kate braced herself for an argument. The doors swung open and Kate stepped back in shock when her parents walked in; they never came to see her, it was always the other way round.

"Why are you not in school!?" Her dad shouted, and her mum grabbed his arm.

"Alexander let's just..." she said calmly, but the king shook her off.

"I thought we could trust you. To get a good education. It's important..."

"Why?! Why is it important?!" Kate yelled back. "The rest of my life is going to be exactly as it is now! Going to random balls, and and talking to random people making useless small talk and..." she trailed off, realising what she was really mad at. Following rules all her life was going to get her nowhere whilst Ellie was still the heir.

It seemed the King didn't know what to say back, and nodded. "Yes well. First thing tomorrow you're going straight back to school." he commanded before walking straight out the door.


Kate didn't go back. It seemed that the queen had spoken to him and somehow changed his mind. She didn't know why, or how, but all she knew was that she was a lot happier waking up late, relaxing in the evenings, having time to herself for once than she was at Rosewood.

Besides, it was nearly the Christmas holidays, so she wouldn't miss out on too much school work. Even though it wasn't too long, she was still missing everyone, and for some reason, Raphael especially. Even Ellie.

When the Christmas holidays finally arrived, Kate knew she'd have to face Ellie and Jamie at some point. As the days grew closer and closer, she got more and more nervous until she saw the car finally pull up outside and all three stepped out. Lottie had a huge smile on her face as she entered the palace. Kate was watching from the top of the stairs where she'd positioned herself to be just below the banister so no one could see her. She watched as the king and queen greeted them all. The King nodded to Jamie, smiled at Lottie and gave Ellie a small hug whilst the Queen hugged them all - a greater reception than Kate received. She sighed; she needed to stop thinking about herself, what she didn't have. She had blanked out for a second, before realising that Jamie had disappeared from the entrance hall, and reappeared behind her.

"Hi." he said bluntly. Kate knew this was the way to his room, but she couldn't help hoping he'd come to see her. Although, after hearing him and the other two talking about her after the ice skating, she wasn't sure she even liked him anymore. She guessed the guilt of the aftermath of the argument was something she just wanted to be resolved.

"Um, hello." she said, realising she was still sat on the floor behind the banister.

"Ellie wants to talk to you." he said again, before wandering off to his room.

After that strange encounter, Kate went straight back to her room with no desire to talk to Ellie at all. But it seemed Ellie had the exact opposite idea - two minutes later she got a knock at her door.

"Hello?" Ellie's voice rang out as she opened the door.

"I didn't say come in." Kate replied, not looking at her sister.

"I think we need to talk." she sat down on the end of her bed. "I meant to talk to you that day, after ice skating - you can't imagine my surprise when I went in your room and all your things had gone."

"How did you know where I went?"

"Raphael told me." she admitted, looking down. "I just want to know why you're so upset with me because I said that you're not spontaneous. It's not a bad thing."

"Maybe because the only reason that i'm not spontaneous is because of you." Kate responded quietly.


"Maybe because all those years whilst you were building up your bad reputation for yourself, I was playing the perfect princess. What you were meant to be as a future queen." she replied, tears pricking her eyes again.

"I did nothing to make those rumours spread. They're not even true." Ellie responded, also looking upset.

Kate sighed, but it came out as more of a sob and she wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry, Ellie."

Ellie pulled her in for a hug and they stayed there as they both cried. "I've missed you, by the way." Ellie said. "Why did you leave?"

"I heard you and Jamie talking about me."

"Ugh, you know Jamie's just trying to protect me. That's his job." Ellie said.

There was a few moments silence before Kate spoke up.

"I'm sorry, by the way, for the ice skating incident." Kate said through sobs, and to her surprise, Ellie laughed.

"Can we just forget about that? It was my fault as much as it was yours." she laughed. "It was lucky that Jamie was there though I guess."

"He'll be glad he's doing his job I suppose." Kate laughed again, remembering what Ellie said about Jamie just wanting to protect Ellie.

After about twenty minutes, Ellie had fallen asleep next to Kate, but she was still wide awake.

Careful not to wake Ellie up, she crept out of the room into the corridor, and out onto the balcony to get some fresh air. But there was someone else awake: Jamie.

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