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I'm a mother of nine children. Their ages range from 2 years - 19 years. I had them all with my high school sweetheart, who is still my sweetheart today. 

As a young mother I had many questions about training children. I had women in my life who were mentors, and had large families, like 10 children. I learned from observing those moms in action with their children that I wanted to make my family my career. 

When we go places together people applaud our children's behaviour, and the love that our children have for each other, and their parents. Women say to me all the time. "If you write a book, I will buy it." 

I have had the privilege over the past twenty years to observe many great mother and learn little nuggets of truth from each one that I would love to share with others. 

Today my passion is somewhat different than it was 19 years ago, when I had my first little one. My passion now is to get to watch my family reach their goals and not to loose sight of some of my own along the way. 

Since I am the sweetheart of a special effects technician in the film industry, movies and art have become a very big part of our life, basically we live and breathe film and love every minute of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2015 ⏰

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