I'm Going Now

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Kou handed the candy over and sighed deeply, his shoulders slumping. "Honestly, my daughter rushes off without saying a thing to me. Even today, she had us guard a distant place... what if Ky didn't break the hypnosis magic...?" "Umm, hypnosis magic?" Somehow, something strange has been mentioned again, but what happened...? "Yes! Ky overheard that the Saint of Light recorded a secret line for your ears!" "Oh, it was to silence you... woah?!" Before I knew it, Ky was standing behind me. "Hawawawa! Ky's sorry he surprised you!" Ky said. "Oh, no, don't worry," I said. "So you heard her recording that secret message?" "Yes!" Ky said. "Then... will you help me get to Mika?" "Of course!" Ky said. "First of all, since there's a bit of lingering effect, Ky will cure your paralysis!" Ky said as he held out his hand, and after muttering a spell, the numbness disappeared from my body. "How do you feel, Marshall of Darkness?" Ky asked. "No matter what happens, I think I can use all my strength," I said. "Thank you, Ky." "Ehehe!" Ky said, hopping. "Ky's glad to have helped!" That gesture may have made so many women go crazy for him. I worry he's going to see that nice boat after all... "Now, Marshall! Your body is healed, it's time to get going!" Kou said. "Oh, yeah," I said. "Time to go." ... What was I so worried about just now? I have to hurry to Mika. "Then, I'll be going through the ceiling..." I said. "Fuh-fuh-fuh, please wait a moment, Marshall of Darkness," Kou said, smiling fearlessly as he cut me off. "Even if you tell me to wait, I have to get to Michaela right away..." I said. "But if you go through the ceiling, your clothes will be covered in dust," Kou replied. "So... it's about time, isn't it, Ky?" "Yes, they're coming soon!" Ky said. "Come now, Marshall, please listen to the doors!" "Huh... the doors?" I listened as Ky said– Click-click... Click... "Alright! Now, all you've got to do is hit the doors!" "Amazing, Pomegranate! You can make a device that can open a door sealed by magic!" "Hahahahaha! Well, it is the craftsman's job to create these sorts of tools, just in case!" –With that metallic sound, I heard familiar voices. Umm, this is... but even without seeing them, I know it's Pomegranate and Lapis. "Hey! Ms. Darkness! Are you in there?!" Pomegranate asked. "Y-Yeah," I said. "Well then, Marshall, we're going to bust the doors down, so stay away from them!" Lapis said. "Understood..." I said. I moved away as ordered. Maybe I'll be safe if the doors fall down this far. "You two, we're safe," I said. "Roger!" Pomegranate said. "Got it, Ms. Darkness! Lapis, let's go!" "Understood, Pomegranate!" Lapis said. "Heave, ho–" "Heave, ho–" With such powerful shouts, they went– "FUUHNN...!" "TORYAAAAAH!" Don. –The thick doors were kicked down, Pomegranate and Lapis appeared. However, even though they were busted down, our reliefs are still holding hands. I feel like it's a sign... no, I can't be distracted by that now. "Now, Miss Darkness! Let's head to the reception hall!" Pomegranate said. "We don't have much time before the signing ceremony starts!" Lapis said. "I know, I know..." I said. However, according to Mika, Diamond is willing to annihilate all the Dark Forces except for me... so, it seems to be a safe bet that he'd set guards to stop us on the way to the hall. However... "Fufufu, Young Lady of Darkness. Your face says, 'I don't want to use my physical or magical might as much as possible, so I don't want to run into any trouble as much as possible,' right? But don't worry, you're covered." "Thank you for the concrete and accurate explanation of my feelings and the unfounded encouragement... woah?!" I yelled. I turned around and found a dusty Sea standing behind me. "Seriously, Sea!" Kou said. "I told you to come early, but did you go wandering around?!" "S-Sorry, Mother... but, you see..." Sea said. "Geeze!" Kou cried. "You're making excuses again! This is why you'll never find a good catch!" "Uuu..." Sea moaned. Hmm... even among the heroes, Kou is recognized as everyone's mother... I'm not sure I should be impressed. "Ah, Sea, I hate to interrupt, but is now a good time?" "Oh, of course, Lady of Darkness!" Maybe it's because I changed it from a painful topic, he's smiling so happily... no, I have to set that aside and go on with the important thing. "Are you alright?" "Fufufu, I've been crawling in the ceilings until a while ago..." Sea said. ... He was crawling in the ceilings? Is the privacy of our subordinates okay? Well, I don't think there's anyone who'll flirt around during work hours... "... I sang a lullaby everywhere Diamond's personal guard was hiding." ... Lullaby? Oh, that's right. When you take Sea with you to battle, his special move puts all the enemies to sleep with a song and stops them from firing. This would help a lot right now. "Thank you, Sea," I said. "Now I don't have to waste any magic." "No, don't mention it," Sea said. "If the Young Ladies of Light and Darkness are happy, it will have been worth it," he said, smiling gently. I'm sorry, Sea, I can't help but suspect you've been spying on my subordinates flirting– "Ky... Sea definitely saw people getting romantic along the way, so that's why he's late, isn't he?" Lapis said. "Lapis!" Ky cried. "He's been a great help, you shouldn't dig up the truth like that!" "Th-The both of you are terrible!" Sea cried. "For sure, I was concerned that I could see scenes like forbidden love through the knotholes... but I gave priority to my mission, I swear!" –I wasn't wrong to, either. Well, it is true that he saved me, so let's not pursue it too deeply. "Then, let's hurry to Mika again...' I said. "Indeed, Lady of Darkness!" "Roger, Ms. Darkness!" "Ky will do his best to support you!" "Yes! I'll do my best!" "We'll give our all, Marshall! Really, my daughter... I'll have to give you a chewing out later..." ... Yes, it's an encouraging round of replies. This many of us should be able to stop Mika. Mika, I'll be there soon, so please be safe.

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