Even though the only furniture filling up the room was this single bed positioned at the far right corner and a small nightstand next to it, there was barely any room for movement. It was a plain grey color, four walls enclosing around him, with two doors. One to the wall at his left, and the other at the wall to his right, just in front of the bed.

George grabbed the blanket that was covering the lower half of his body and flicked it to the side, moving his feet onto the cold floor. A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead as he numbly stared at the cuff that was fastened around his left ankle, locked to one of the bedposts, ensuring his inability to escape. Then, from the corner of his eyes, he caught a tiny flickering red light and looked up. His throat clogged up at the sight of a camera nailed to the corner of the room across from him, its lenses pointed straight at him.

They are probably watching me right now, he thought in dismay, and buried his face into his hands, fighting back the tears that formed in his eyes. God, what would become of him now? If they were to keep him in this room, shunned away from the rest of the world, wouldn’t people start to wonder about his sudden disappearance? And if he were to attempt and escape (although it seemed impossible at the moment), would they hurt him? Beat him into silence?

What could George even do? What did he even want to do? If he was given the chance, would he call the police? Would he turn them in? The rational part of him howled at him to get help, to contact someone, anyone, to get him out of this situation. Yet, the mere thought of never being able to see, to touch, to exist with Dream and Sapnap again numbed him to the core with paralyzing fear, the remnant of something void leaving its print at his soul.

What would become of him without them? What could he be without them? How could he live without them? How could he ever return back to having a normal life, when the constant reminder of his two best friends’ absence would haunt George forever?

“Oh god,” his lower lip trembled, slapping his hands over his mouth as his gut twisted. He fought to swallow down the bile that rose in his throat.

The shackles had always been there, piercing his bleeding heart, sealing his fate away for eternity. The shackles that now decorated his wrist and ankle were just a physical manifestation of something that was always there.

And he let them be there.

George’s eyes snapped towards the soft click of a door, the chains rattling as he shuffled further back into the bed, pushing his back flush against the wall behind him whilst Sapnap appeared from the door to his left. He directed his attention to the tray that Sapnap was carrying, eyeing its contents as Sapnap stepped closer, carefully placing the tray on the nightstand.

He was shocked to find Sapnap’s head lowered, his friend nervously picking at his nails, looking anywhere but him.

“I- we thought you’d be hungry,” Sapnap mumbled as he awkwardly waved a hand towards the tray, “also, the door to your right, it- that's the bathroom. We made sure the chains are long enough for you to be able to go when needed. If- if you want anything else, please let me know, okay?”

Silence engulfed them as he pulled his knees against his chest. Sapnap dared to steal a quick glance towards George, and as soon as their eyes met, he averted them, lifting a hand to rub the back of his neck. George’s forehead creased as, in that split second, he could see the sheer guilt filling Sapnap's eyes.

“Are you feeling okay? No headache or anything, right? Because yesterday you kinda hit your head when you collapsed, and we were worried that-”

“Where’s Dream?” he interrupted, his voice surprisingly steady.

“He’s upstairs, streaming. We- we didn’t want to raise any... suspicion, so we had to keep the schedule normally.” Sapnap explained, fidgeting.

He nodded, and after several seconds of silence, he asked the question that had been keeping him troubled.

“Are you going to hurt me?”

Sapnap whipped his head up, mouth falling open, his features freezing into a stunned expression before his eyes went round with horror, paling. “No!” he declared with a shout, and blew out a shaky breath, running a hand through his hair, slightly tugging at it.

“God, Georgie, honey, baby, of course not, why- why would you even think that?” Then, Sapnap lowered himself to the ground, hands clenching around the bed sheets in front of George’s feet, peering up at him, eyes glossy. “Is that- is that what you think of us?”

He bowed his head, and shrugged, “Can you blame me?” he murmured and lifted his right hand, giving it a shake, the metallic chains clinking, “I obviously saw something that I shouldn’t have, so you guys brought me here as a... punishment. Am I wrong?”

Sapnap shook his head, and reached forward, carefully placing his hand on top of George’s left shin. “George, you- you were going to leave us,” he choked out, as if the word physically pained him, “we couldn’t allow that to happen, not when we finally had you. What would we ever do without you, Gogy? How could we possibly survive?” Sapnap offered him a small smile, giving him a gentle squeeze. “We’re so sorry about how things turned out, but you have to understand, darling, we didn’t have any other choice. All we wanted was to keep you safe, we couldn’t risk it.”

In that moment, watching as a lone tear broke free, rolling down the side of Sapnap’s face, kneeling in front of him, George believed him. He believed each word, each promise, each profound confession. In front of him stood not his captor, but a pained soul, overflowing with such an immense amount of love that drowned every rationality away.

He sniffed, and timidly reached down, covering Sapnap’s hand with his own. “I’m scared,” he confessed, and Sapnap immediately turned his hand, clasping George’s hand, their fingers interlocked.

“I- I’m scared, Sapnap.”

“Baby,” Sapnap pleaded, and pushed off the ground, shuffling forward as he wrapped his arms around George, pulling him close against his chest. “Me and Dream will protect you, okay? Keep you safe. You won’t have anything to worry about, nothin’ to be scared of.”

Sapnap pressed a gentle kiss on top of George’s head, and finally, the thin string that was holding on for dear life snapped in half, choked sobs wracking through his quivering body. Sapnap held him in his arms, tenderly rubbing his back, a few kisses here and there, hushing him, softly humming some melody.

I’m scared that I’ll like it more than I already do. Scared of this sick feeling blooming inside my chest every time my name spills out of your lips like I’m your most prized possession, of the way I’m the only thing that occupies your mind, as you do mine.

One more chap to go! Also, did yall see the new teams announced for MCC 17? George, Sapnap and Tubbo are going to be in the same team, RED RABBITS ARE SO CRACKED THIS YEAR

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