A sneeze made him come back from his sleepy state and focus again on the show that was playing on the TV. Of course, he was sick. He sneezed once again, his head bouncing back and forth. He should have expected it, nothing good would have come by being under the rain for little less than an hour, but he had hoped to be a little bit stronger. He was not. Shouts came from the screen, piercing his brain, already weakened by the headache, so he had to turn down the volume. Maybe if he had gone straight to bed the night before, now he would have felt a little bit better, his eyes wouldn't have hurt that much, but there was nothing he could do about it, sadly. He sighed, snuggling even more into the soft and warm blankets he had wrapped around himself, glancing hastily outside the window. It was still lightly pouring, though it was near the end of July, but he didn't really mind it, it allowed him to use blankets without sweating too much and to avoid thinking that he would have lost a potential day out with his friends. The only reason he was kinda good with being sick was skipping his dance training on a day like this, where you would have to cover up yourself just to sweat the Hell out of your body. Of course, Suha had been mad, but the mention of an emotional-wrecking event had calmed her down, luckily. Oh, yeah, maybe there was another reason, one that he really didn't want to think about. His pounding headache didn't allow him to think about the argument, or Chan in general, as he wasn't so sure anymore to be completely emotionless towards it.

At that moment, the doorbell rang and Felix got up from his warm spot on the couch, leaving behind everything he had started to wonder about the "Chan" topic. Still wrapped in the blankets, he opened the door, finding a delivery man standing right in front of him, as he had hoped.

«Here's your order sir, Kimchi-jjigae and Kombucha, if I'm not mistaken» he announced, handing the boy the package he was holding in his hands.

«You're not, thank you sir, have a great day!» Felix managed to exclaim, taking his hot food.

«Thank you, you too!»

The boy closed the front door and made his way back to the couch, dropping down on it. Luckily, the food came with chopsticks and napkins, so he didn't even need to get up again. He ate slowly, blowing the heat away from the food before putting it into his mouth, eyes fully focused on the television. The drama wasn't particularly good, not really his vibe, maybe his mother would have liked it more, however there was nothing else to see as music shows started later in the afternoon, except for ShowMusicCore, but it wasn't a Saturday. As a matter of fact, he rarely watched television, as he enjoyed gaming way more, if he really wanted to watch something he'd go on YouTube or even Netflix.

He was halfway through his meal when it stopped pouring outside and the episode ended. He zapped through channels, ending up watching a documentary about Australia. He was sick and still emotionally drained, so it wasn't really a good time to watch such thing, but he was tired and bored as well, so he just went on listening about the desert and its ecosystem.

Chan had mentioned that he had moved to Korea at a very young age, did he still remember the hotness of the desert?

Felix immediately turned off the TV at that thought. Chan had to be removed from his head in one way or the other and sitting there watching TV evidently wasn't helping at all. With a groan, he got up from the couch and headed to his room after throwing into the trash can everything that had been left from his little lunch. Once there he simply let himself down on the bed, snuggling under the blankets. He had pulled an all-night, so might as well sleep a little since he was starting to get even more sick and heathen up. Before drifting off to sleep, his last thought was that he might have been starting to develop a fever.


The English Teacher /Chanlix/Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon