Chapter 1

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Okay, the first few chapters of this story will be really bad written until it reaches chapter 4 or 5. I don't know, but enjoy reading.


I, Skylar, is an outcast and a nerd. Being an outcast and a nerd means no dramas and, sadly, no friends. A senior who is an outcast, like what the fuck? Even the freshmens already made friends on the first day of school. My 2 minute younger sister, Rebecca, has thousands of friends, idiotic friends. And she, my sister, has a boyfriend, Tyler, who is a player. Since my sister is so stupid, she decided she wanted her heart broken by the biggest player in our school and I'm trying to fix that problem.

Chapter 1.

I got out of my sister's car, well, our car but she wanted it so badly and I didn't need it so it's her's. I got out of my sister's car while my sister was being greeted by the one and only, Tyler O'Donnell. He's a player, a jock, captain of our school's football team, my sister's fake boyfriend and worst of all, my middle school crush. He changed from a really cute nerd to an idiotic jock and that made me like him more which is really, really bad.

I've liked him even before he changed. We've never talked to each other when we were young and I guess it's still the same right now. I shook my head at the thought of Tyler and closed the car door while Tyler greeted my sister.

"Hey." He greeted my sister, ignoring me.

"Hey baby!" She said in her fake high-pitched voice.

I rolled my eyes at their fakeness and walk towards the school door. As I was going to open the door, a hand grabbed me and spun me around, making me face Rebecca and her friends, including Tyler.

"I'm having cheer practice later, meet me in the parking lot at 5." She said while smiling.

I shrug her hand off my shoulder and nodded.

"Yeah, okay. If I'm not there I'll probably be in the library." I turn around and open the door, again.

I felt someone staring at me so, I turn behind and saw Tyler staring at me. He quickly avert his gaze and start getting into the conversation his friends were having. I shrug my shoulders and continue to walk to my locker.

After school.

Where's Rebecca? I thought to myself as I waited beside her car. I couldn't get in the car because she was having the keys. Oh.. Cheer practice. I grunted and walk towards the school's entrance door and open it. As I walk down the hallway, I heard laughing from the locker room. Suddenly, Tyler came out of the locker room, laughing with a towel around his waist, exposing his wet body. His brown hair was wet and messy, he stopped laughing once he saw me and winked at me then went back into the locker room. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding . I shook my head and continue my way to the library.


When I reached the library, I saw a lot of nerds studying alone and some studying together. See, even nerds can have friends. I spotted an empty table that was half-covered by the wall in front of me. The table was perfect as it was beside a big, square window. There was sunlight shining directly to the table, since the library is a little cold, the heat from the sunlight can warm me up. I walk towards the table, and as I got closer, I saw two people seated on the chair that belonged to the table. I sighed, looks like that table's taken. I turn away from the table and walk towards a random empty spot in between two book shelves. I sat down on the carpet and took my bag off my shoulders, putting it beside me. I took out my homework and pencil case then started doing it.

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