Chapter 7: Dinoco Gas Station Raid/Robots

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"Dad, calm down." Katie said, "But kid, you're leaving for school and I just want to talk to you." Rick said sadly, "Every kid leaves home. It's not the end of the world!" Katie shouted, "I TOLD YOU SON OF A B-" Hydro cuts off the talk and almost swore. BOOM! The ground shakes and the glass shatters! Maybe it is?

This knocks the crowd back! We see this in a cinematic, Katie flies into the air.  People fly back. A Slurpee cup slowly spews Slurpee everywhere! Back to regular speed. Everyone gets knocked back! Katie wakes up and can't believe what she's seeing.

"What The-?" Hydro and Katie were in Unison, Rick jumps up to inspect his family's well-being like an overly prepared doomsday prepper- (which is what he is.) "Kids, are you ok? (WHISPERING)Remember our survival training; Yankee, alpha, foxtrot, bravo. Tango. Alpha, alpha, alpha! Aaron your codename is Sweet Boy. Mine protector Prime. Your mother is the crimson Scorpion. (To Katie) You're-" Rick cuts off the talk, "GUYS I TOLD YOU THE ROBOTS WILL RAID, WHY WON'T YOU ALL LISTEN TO ME WHILE I TOLD YOU THE INVASION STARTS!? WHY? WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" Hydro shouted.

"I'm sorry, (everyone) you're right...The Invasion starts..." Linda and everyone said, Hydro covered his mouth, "Oh my god, I am so sorry, I'm sorry I pressured you, I- I didn't mean to..." Hydro sighed. "No it's okay, sometimes we are wrong, sometimes we are right, we are sorry, we should be the one to apologize' Katie said.

Hydro Saw 3 robots and spawns a pod, a Monchi gets into a car, and a robot blocks the road. Hydro saw 2 Robots. People asked Hydro. Why did he know all this?

"What are these? Robutts?" Rick makes a "joke", "Greetings, humans. There appears to be... fourteen of you." The PAL Max said. "Oh Look, he said 14, what about me, you should say 15 instead of 14, and you gotta count people properly" Hydro insulted after the Robot wronged, and everyone said "oohhh".  "That's a cool insult Hydro, and, It doesn't seem good that they're counting us, right?" Katie asked, "I don't think so," Hydro said.

A bunch of FUTURISTIC DISCS flies out of THE ROBOTS WRIST- they twist AND MORPH into human-sized pods, lined up in a row. "We have food and entertainment for you to enjoy in our HUMAN FUN PODS. (THE DOORS OPEN) Who here likes fun?" The Other PAL Max said. A DUDE WITH A SLURPEE smiles. "Hey, I like fun!" The Man said, The dude moves toward the robots. "Uh Uh Uh Uh, no, don't you ever dare go to that stupid pod, these guys are crazy, I'm telling you man don't you dare" Hydro warns the Man who likes fun, "The Kid was right...Trust me bud, you do not like fun." Rick did the same as Hydro. "NO NO NO DON'T DO IT" Atlas shouted.

The robot fires a POLYGONAL LASER, which causes the man to freeze- he's then WHIPPED INTO A POD! "Yay!" Marco, the next one who talked, The POD FLIES into the sky, joining a long line of HUNDREDS OF PODS floating through the evening sky. The robots START FIRING BEAMS AT EVERYONE! The Mitchells hits the deck. Katie YANKS Aaron down.

"GET DOWN!" Rick shouted, "KID WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!".  "No NO GET BACK HERE, KID PLEASE do DON'T GET US INVOLVED" Linda shouted, "That's it, no more Mr. Nice guy..." Hydro walks onto them and he started punching and kicking, The Robots were malfunctioning. "Wow, Jim...Abbey...she is truly a great fighter..." Hailey was in shock. "Whoa...I think that kid will be our family member now" Rick was shocked. "EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Hydro said as something was coming, Hailey and her family members were captured and begged for help, Hydro tried to run onto them, but when he remembered, you cannot save everyone who is already captured, he ran back to the store. The Robot restarts.

---The Next Morning---

It's a robot broadcasting an update. The family gathers around her to see what's developing.

Hydro In The Mitchells Vs The Machines(A TMvTM AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu