Chapter Twenty-Three: Amare (Love)

Start from the beginning

"You're right. I'll get a room for myself while you two love birds have fun," Sam scoffed, before Dean and I could get another word about his response the youngest Winchester climbed out of the impala and headed in to get a room key. Dean threw himself back into the seat mumbling a couple profanities and something about killing Sam. I stared at the eldest Winchester.

"I guess I'm stuck with you, let me tell you the rules. Peek on me in the bathroom and I'll make sure you can never reproduce again. Lay a finger on me and I'll poke your eyes out with a pencil," I pointed at Dean as I spoke hoping my threats would sink into his thick skull. It seemed they didn't, not even a word since he spun around grabbing my finger.

"Oh sweetie, sorry to say your threats don't scare me. You may have demon blood and weird powers but you can't deny the way you look at me with those pretty emerald eyes of yours. I see you undressing me at times. The last time someone looked at me like that, they couldn't walk straight for a week."

A lump formed in my throat, the urge to hit Dean in the face grew as he continued to speak. Word after word, it was all true, my face grew hot. "Just get your damn things and get inside boy." I scoffed yanking my hand away, glancing up to meet is cocky gaze as I climbed out slamming the car door. I hugged myself walking up and meeting Sam by the motel rooms. He arched a curious eyebrow at the sight of my face, dangling the keys right out of my reach.

"You like Dean, don't you?" Sam teased jingling the keys, still just right out of my reach. I growled jumping and trying to snatch the keys out of the air but had no luck.

"Just give me the damn--" Sam cut me off again smirking.

"Just say you like Dean and I'll give them to you." He sang a little watching me amused. Hiding I crossed my arms glaring at him annoyed. I hated being teased and getting into situations like this.

"Come on Sammy, we all know she likes me." Dean chirped in, treading my he snatched the keys from his brothers hand, smirking at him, he twirled them around his finger then unlocked the door to room 234. I turned a shade of red following after Dean, going straight into the bathroom without another word.

Why were boys so weird?


4:45 PM

Dean threw his duffle bag full of weapons onto the motel bed, there was a lot of shifting within the bag and a small popping noise which caused the Winchester to curse and tear the bag open. Searching for whatever went 'pop' that wasn't supposed to. He rummaged through the many weapons and salt and God knows what else is in there. He made a face pulling out a small bag of those popper things that would pop when you throw them at the ground.

I had only just got out of the shower, it had maybe been about three hours since we had arrived at the motel. Sam had ran off to the gas station down the road, Dean already did his beer and pie run. I forced him to buy me some strawberries, since I had been craving them for the past three days. I finished up drying out my hair and combed it out nicely, grabbing my dirty clothes I headed out of the bathroom. When I opened the door I was greeted with a loud popping noise, I jumped up making a squeaking noise and glared at Dean. The eldest Winchester held a small bag of those poppers, rolling one between his fingers. I scowled, "Don't be a dick." I murmured walking out and shoving my clothes into a duffle bag I had bought about an hour ago. Dean threw another one, it hit the wall beside my head and popped.

I grunted dropping my things and marching over to him, grabbing his wrist and trying to yank the stupid things away from him. "Thought you said no touching?" Dean held his hands up in surrender showing he wasn't touching me, rolling my eyes I pulled at his right arm with all my might. Only then did he purposely stumble forward and fall to the floor. The falling part was an accident since he tripped over my boots. I made a soft noise landing on his lap and stared down at him. Reaching for the bag again, I leaned over him growling. My face several inches from his.

"Drop the stupid things before you end up hitting someone in the eye with them," I said looking down at him, my eyes flickering from his eyes to his lips. A thin smirk playing his plump lips. I knew he wasn't going to drop them, there was no question about it.

A couple seconds passed of just staring at one another, "I'm gonna try something. Don't kill me, alright?" Dean spoke up, leaning up, within a couple seconds his lips pressed into mine. Soft and sweet. His hands moved to hold my hips still so I couldn't squirm away.

What felt like forever ended in a few seconds when Sam barged in, holding two bags. He froze at the sight clearing his throat awkwardly, "Umm Dean..?" Dean jumped pulling his hands away from my hips and pushed me off of him without warning. He looked at his brother. "There's been another victim. A younger fellow, goes by the name Cole."

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