The Green Phantom (Vigilante Deku)

Start from the beginning

"Wait, that Staff and outfit...your....your the Green Phantom." "Who?!" "They said this guy is the night All Might, he still hopes for those in the night. No, one see this guy quirk but those seen said he doesn't need one."

Shoda: "This guy is that good?"

Yaoyorozu: "To fight villains at night without his quirk he is definitely skilled and powerful."

Bakugo: "Pfft, he's probably just some pushover, anyone can beat some low level thugs."

Toga: "I don't see you out there mister hero!?"

Bakugo: "Shut it you twin bun bitch! How do you know it's NOT ME!"

Slayer: "Because you're not a hero."

Bakugo: "HUH!? What makes you-" He then looked who said it and realized it was Slayer; he sucked his teeth and sat back down.

Everyone else is very conflicted on what they just saw, for the simple fact Slayer has made Bakugo sit down and shut multiple times at this point. Some are thinking, what does he know to make Bakugo of all people sit down?

"I guess it's your three unlucky days. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way, your choice." He took one step. The three-step back a bit. Sweat was slowly coming down their face. One decided to get ballsy and charge in. "I'M NOT AFRAID SOME KID PLAYING HERO!!!" "Big mistake." The person dodged the swing and swung his staff upwards before, quickly swinging right in the man's gut. The guy turned white before he collapsed to the ground, unconscious with his ass up. "Now that's just wrong."

Everyone watching was in awe.

Sero: "He two shot him!?!"

Snipe: "To not only have them shook to the point compared to All Might and have the control over his weapon to react fast after the first swings is what I'm most impressed with."

Stain: "Whoever he is, he is clearly skilled. I wonder how he would fare against me."

"Now, are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way with you two." The two other thugs charge at the boy before coming to the same fate with unconscious and ass up on the ground. He looked down at the three criminals, put them all together, found some rope (convenient), and tied them up. He types something on his phone before putting it back in his pocket. He then walked over to the girl who was scared and stepped back some. The person came to a stop and realized she was still afraid of him. "Oh, I'm sorry, don't be alarmed, I'm not going to hurt you. Here." He took off his jacket. You're going to need this more than me. She was hesitant at first, but after a breeze came, she changed her mind and took the jacket before putting it on.

The boy got a good look at the girl now. He noticed she had pink skin and horns. And the girl got a good look at the boy and saw he had green hair, and his eyes were the emerald green that even the shiniest gems could not match. 

Everyone in the Theater: "MIDORIYA AND MINA!!!!"

Mina: She covers her face with her hands, and her face changes from pink to a lilac purple shade. 'He saw me nearly naked!!!! But, did he...did he like it? No Mina bad thoughts get it out of your head!' She opened her hand a bit to peek through it and look at Izuku with stream coming out of his ears. She closed her hand and let out an inner scream again.

Aizawa: "*sigh* Why am I not surprise that problem child is the one who saved her and is doing something like this."

Cementless: "The better question is why? Why would he need to do this?"

Nezu: "I have a good guess as to why. But I will hold it off until my suspicious is correct." he took a sip of his tea.

Slayer: 'I wonder what type of tea the Rat satan likes? Study for later.'

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