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I suddenly catch focus again and see the man fall flat on his face, I look to my shoulder and see everything drenched in my blood, I hadn't felt this sense of pain since I injected myself with the griever venom in the maze, well actually a bullet wound doesn't compare to the slightest of being stung, I want to say when the grievers tail sliced right through my leg, that's more closer to this.

I look up and see everyone staring at me and Newt, Oh Newt, everyone looks shocked I'm not screaming or crying, he looks like the one who might start to cry, I notice the girl again, she's holding a gun, she clearly was the one who killed the man, 

"I'm personally not to fond of the idea of going back to wicked so can we please get a move on?" I ask starting to put pressure on my shoulder,

"Yeah, come on" The girl says, she starts walking "Come on! Lets go!" She yells, we start following her, my arm bleeding out, I rip some cloth off the mans shirt and use it to stop the bleeding, Teressa is awhile to follow, Newt wraps the cloth tightly around my shoulder and on top of the wound,

"I'm sorry My love, I didn't do anything-" He tries to apologize,

"You would have gotten shot if you tried to, if I hadn't done that someone else would have been"

"I still should have, for someone who hates seeing you in pain I tend to see you in it a lot" We both chuckle still following the girl up the stairs, we continue a brief conversation,

"Are they always like this, Y/n and that blond guy?" The girl asks,

"Its a long story" Thomas says.

The girl leads us back upstairs to where Jorge is, he opens a window door thing, he immediately notices my wound,

"You won't be able to hold on properly" He says,

"Your with me" Newt says, They're pulling down ropes to hold onto, me and Newt put one of our foots into the loop and securely tighten out hands on the rope, he wraps his arm around my waist, we go down the line and onto the other building, Jorge is there waiting for us with Mihno, Teressa, Aris and Fry follow, but the girl and Thomas are no where,

"Where's Thomas?" I ask,

"He followed Brenda somewhere" Teressa answered, 


My eyes widen as I realize who she was, Brenda, before wicked, me, her and her brother George were friends, we would hang out like all the time, but me and George were taken in by wicked, I can't remember much after that, I think we were sent to different compounds.

"Come on! We've got to go! Brenda's smart enough they'll meet us at Marcus's!" Jorge says, we all make a run for a car he had stashed, Jorge and Fry sat in the front, I sat behind the passenger seat, Newt sat next to me and Teressa next to him, the cloth was now fully drenched in blood and I was bleeding out again. I untied it and ripped a piece off my shirt, I could feel that the bullet wasn't too deep, 

"By any chance does anyone have any tweezers?" I ask,

"Why?" Newt asks,

"So I can get the bullet out..?"

"I don't have tweezers but if its not that deep you could try pushing it out, but just a warning its gonna hurt" Jorge says, I start putting pressure on the skin around the wound, oh lord it hurt, 

"I can't do it" I say after awhile, Newt tells me to hop in the boot, so I do, He takes off his belt and folds it up and passes it to me, he tells me to put in in my mouth, he hops in the back with me and I lean against the wall,

"Okay Love this is going to hurt" He says, 

"Don't stop even if she says to" Teressa says, Newt nods, I knew this would be hard for him, and I think we all knew it was a stupid idea but it was worth a try I suppose, he starts putting pressure on the skin around the bullet trying to squeeze it out, I groan in pain, 

"Don't look at it" Newt says, I could feel the bullet slowly moving out of the wound, it hurt like a bitch, it was only a small bullet so when I could feel the end pop out of the hole it made, Newt could easily pull it out, it started progressively bleeding again, Newt ripped some more fabric off something and held it tightly to it in hopes to stop it and I gave back his belt.

After hours it eventually did, Newt wrapped another piece of something around my shoulder tightly, Teressa had fallen asleep across the back seats so Newt just wrapped his arms around my shoulders and I melted into his embrace, 

"Thanks for that Newt" I say quietly, 

"No problem love" He says, I contemplated telling him about everything before the maze again, but I knew I couldn't, not now at least.

When we wake up, Newts arms are around my waist and mine are around his torso. 

"Get up everyone, we're here" Jorge says as we get out of the car and walk into a building were we find drunken men and woman and an unconscious Thomas on the floor with Brenda already hugging Jorge, we all run to Thomas and try to wake him up, failing, we all look at eachother worried when a man walked in and Jorge punched him so hard in the head he was knocked unconscious, we carried both of them upstairs, tied the man who I believed was Marcus up in a chair and rested Thomas down, Teressa sat with him, he eventually woke up, Jorge was trying to get information out of Marcus,

"Hey, Hey, Your okay" Teressa says calming Thomas down when he jumps awake, "Hi, we have to stop meeting like this"

"Welcome back you ugly shank" Minho greets him with a smile, Thomas sighs and lets out a brief chuckle then stands up and looks at Jorge,

"I'm sorry but your going to have to get out of my house" Marcus says with a bloody eye and fucked up lip,

"Looks like you've been having fun" Newt says to Thomas slinging an arm around my shoulders,

"Listen, I don't enjoy hurting you" Jorge admits, "Okay?" He pauses, "Where is the Right Arm, Marcus?"

"Wait this is Marcus?" Thomas asks, Marcus laughs,

"The kid catches on quick" He says, "Are you the brains of the operation?" He then groans in pain when Jorge pulls his head back by the hair,

"I know you know where they're hiding" Jorge says, "So you tell me, and I'll make you a deal" Marcus laughs, "You can come with us"

"I burned that bridge a long time ago" Marcus says, "Besides, I made my own deal, your the one that taught me, never miss an opportunity" He laughs even more, 

"What's he talking about?" Newt asks,

"I'm talking about supply and demand, wicked wants all the immunes they can get, I help provide that for them, so I lure the kids in, they get drunk, they have a good time, then later on wicked comes in, the separate the wheat from the chaff" He says then laughs again, Jorge looks pissed off as shit,

"I changed my mind hermano" Jorge says, Marcus lightly laughs again, "I do enjoy hurting you" he kicks his for up and boots him in the chest bowling him over then he pulls out his gun, we all stand up, Jorge bends down over him and holds the gun to his face, "TALK!"

"Okay Jesus!" Marcus gags, "But I'm not making any promises, theses guys like to move around" Marcus says as Jorge picks him up in the chair so he's sitting upright again, "They have an outpost in the mountains, but its a long way away, you've got half of wicked on your ass your never gonna make it" Marcus says amused, 

"Not on foot" Jorge smiles, he bends down and places both hands on Marcus's shoulders,  "Where's Bertha?"

"Not Bertha" He stutters then his lip starts quivering.

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