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Once it got dark, we stopped and lit a fire, we all sat around it, Newt right next to me,

"I thought we were supposed to be immune" Mihno speaks up,

"Not all of us I guess" Teressa says staring into the fire,

"If Winston can get infected, we should assume so can the rest of us" Newt says,  everyone stayed quiet for a moment,

"I never thought I'd say it... But I miss the glade" Fry says sadly,

"Me too" I look at Newt, he was already looking at me, we both give eachother a sad smile and we link hands.

We walked for another Few days, the mountain only seemed to get further and further away, we were running out of water and the heat was hitting us hard.

We stopped when it got dark to rest, I didn't sleep though, a thunderstorm was coming, I suddenly saw Thomas sit up and start yelling at us to get up,

"Hey! Hey! Get up! Newt Get up!" He slapped his leg, "Come on, let's go! Fry! Aris!" His rough voice woke up everyone, "I see something-"

"Lights" I say helping Teressa up,

"We made it" Mihno says, when suddenly Thunder Cracks, and then we start running.

A building comes into view and the thunder was gaining on us, everyone's grunting trying to run as fast as they can, but we are all loosing our breath and it's hard to run when you haven't drunken any form of liquid in days not to mention in the blistering heat, we all shuddered when the first strike of lightning hit down behind us, we are getting closer to the structure with every step, the lightning was now gaining on us and we were all short of breath, when we were close enough to see it and everyone was screaming to keep running, the lightning was right above us, we were right at it, almost at the doors when Mihno was hit and collapsed.

Me and Thomas right next to him were blown to the side, everything was ringing for a thin moment but when I saw Minho's lifeless body on the ground next to me made me come to my senses, we all helped carry him inside, we put him on the floor and I dropped down the wall next to him, body aching, head aching, everything in excruciating pain, and filled with worry that Mihno wasn't going to wake up.

Thomas was screaming over him, Newt was screaming over him, everyone was trying to get him to wake up, Thomas didn't seem to bothered by the fact we had just gotten hit by lightning so I assume I was the one who got more of the blow then him, my vision gradually fading in and out, struggling to breath and my ears still vaguely buzzing, Mihno groaned, we were  smiled to see him awake, They all helped him up and went to investigate where the fuck we were, Teressa helped me stand up,

"Y/n you okay? I saw you get hit too" I in fact was not okay, I felt light headed and like I was going to collapse any minute and she knew it, I just shrug,

"Mihno did get hit and he's fine so lets just assume I am"

"You were awake the entire time I don't know" She says worried,

"I'll live, I mean he did"

"What you talking about?" Newt asks,

"Y/n was right next to the blast and she looks like she's gonna drop dead any second" Teressa says flashing the light in my face,

"I'm fine" I say, "Both Mihno and Thomas are fine"

"Yeah but Mihno was knocked out and Thomas was just next to him, you looked like you where hit a little to and you're conscious" Newt says, 

"I'm fuckin fine okay" I reassure calmly them both when we smell something horrible, 

"What is that?" Teressa asks flashing the flashlight around, suddenly one of those things from the mall structure pops out and tries to reach for her, I pull her back, we all yell out of shock, it falls over and we can see a chain connected to its waist, suddenly we are surrounded by chained up cranks, the loud noises usually wouldn't be affecting me so much but because of the splitting headache I already had everything became faint, I was so used to the element of surprise at this point and I was so sick of everything it didn't bother me as much, 

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