Chapter 1: A Weird Feeling

Start from the beginning

The first relationship I was in, the girl was bossy, controlling, and manipulative. Then, after we broke up, me and Alex started dating. All we would do was argue over every little thing; the band even split up for a while.

Me and Alex broke up, realizing it was better we stayed friends. So clearly love and good things never came together for me. I was scared to fall in love again because I didn't want to get hurt again, but also because I was slowly falling in love with someone who I'd never want to hurt, and I was afraid I would if I fell in love with him.

"I don't know, I guess maybe." I shrug. "But you know I've never had the best experiences with relationships."

"Maybe this girl is the one for you." Reggie says.

"It doesn't matter anyways, it's not like I'm ever gonna meet her." I sigh.

"Hey, sorry if I'm inturupting something." Says a girl. "I wanted to talk to Reggie, if that's okay?"

Reggie's POV

"I wanted to talk to Reggie, if that's okay?" The girl asks.

In all honesty, it wasn't okay. I was talking to Luke right now, and I didn't want to stop. I love talking to Luke. Whenever we hung out, I felt something I never felt with anyone else. I didn't know what it was, but I knew that I loved hanging out with Luke more than anyone else. No offense to Alex or anything, but all he seems to have interest in is Willie anyways.

"Yeah, sure." Luke says. "I'll see you around Reg." He says, bumping my shoulder and walking away, leaving me alone with this stranger.

"Hi, um, I'm Lucy." The girl says shyly. Her strawberry blonde bangs swayed to the side of her face, framing it nicely. She had fair skin and flushed red cheeks. Her eyes were lined with thin black eyeliner and she wore a soft yellow-orange eyeshadow that made her amber eyes pop. She wore a sleeveless red top and a grey beanie rested on her head. She was kinda cute.

"I'm Reggie." I say, smiling nervously. "But you already knew that." I quickly add and she giggles.

"Um I was...well um I'm a really big fan of the band." She says twisting the the silver ring on her finer. "And well...I um...I think you're kinda cute, and I was wondering if you'd maybe like to go on a date with me?"

I was shocked at first. No one has ever asked me out before. I have always been the one to ask girls out, and they always said no. The one time a girl said yes was when I asked Becca Linch to the school dance, and she said yes but it was only a prank. It wasn't a good night.

I didn't know what to say, was she pranking me? Was this just one big prank? Maybe it wasn't, she seams really sweet.

I found myself asking a certain question I asked alot when I didn't know what to do: What would Luke do? He would say yes. That's how he is, he just jumps right into the deep end without knowing how deep the water is.

"Yes." I say.

"Wait really!?" She smiles. "I thought you'd say no. Um, okay I me out by the Hollywood Ghost Club sign up in the front, at, I don't know what time is good for you?"

"I don't know, anytime I guess." I say, slightly freaking out. Was this a prank? Or was she serrious? She sounded serrious.

"Alright how's eight?" Lucy asks.

"Perfect." I force myself to speak.

"Perfect!" She says. "I'll see you then!" And she poofs away.

I have a date. An actual date. "Omygosh I have a date!" I say out loud. I quickly poof to the studio were me and the guys usually hang out. It was still in the Hollywood Ghost Club, but it was away from all the other ghosts and lifers. Luke was there writting in his journal, but quickly puts it away when he sees me.

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