"I was worried when we were told you were attacked, but seeing you now, I know it was better you were there" — he smiled kindly to her.

"Thank you... I'm glad you're safe too... " — she felt awkward not being used to his genuine displays of affection to anyone other than himself but appreciated it nonetheless.

"So who exactly is the rabble then?" — she asked much more calmly.

"Well you already know the answer to that" — he ran a hand through his hair again. "Everyone who is not us of course! Hahaha!" — his laughter continued for a while longer.

'Please... someone get him out of here...' - Mimosa covered her face attempting to hold in her frustration.

She sighed and decided to make the most of the situation.

"So what happened? How did Asta defeat that demon? And don't leave out any of those small details" — she asked.

"Wouldn't you prefer to hear about my deeds? I am far more impressive and entertaining"


He huffed reluctantly.

"It was a single slash of his sword, I must say that anti-magic like that is a different sight to see. Shame that it is wielded by such a crude man" — he said quickly.

"Just like that? But how did he get there? What did he do before that? Did he say anything?" — she asked eagerly.

"You seem to be too interested in what that little ruffian does" — he questioned.

"Ah... I'm just curious. He's very interesting and I'm wondering how much he progressed" — she fidgeted shyly in her seat, casually omitting what she already knew.

"I don't see what's so interesting about him aside from his anti-magic"

"Oh my... Just tell me!" — she leaned forward in exasperation.

He huffed once again.

"I was too far away to hear him, but I do think he said something before he flew towards the beast" — he gazed into the distance.

"He donned a full-body black and red armor, horns and a tail, sharp fangs and red eyes, a demon" — he said calmly.

A tinge of worry crept up his younger sister. Although she disliked his flamboyancy his seriousness worried her more. It tended to mean that there was something very unpleasant happening or going to happen. She preferred his usual attitude out of the two options, as much as she didn't want to admit.

"As I said, a giant sword, one slash. Everyone cheered so loudly after, it was quite marvelous" — he smiled softly to himself.

Mimosa relaxed upon seeing the smile, it seemed there was nothing to worry about.

'He must have looked so heroic' — her imagination over-exaggerated his brave feat.

Kirsch's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I think I should instruct him on proper elegance, imagine his anti-magic in combination with my graceful movements, simply perfection. Plus that ugly mannerism of his will also vanish. Yes! He will be my first protege"

"No! Don't you go near him! He's fine the way he is" — she didn't really expect him to do it, nor believed that Asta would accept any of his propositions, but the thought of him possibly becoming like her brother was too much to let it go unchallenged.

"Just think about it, as of now, no one would question his power except those who don't know his capabilities which he can easily prove to. The only thing he needs is refinement"

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