Chapter 2: High Five

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"Extreme audio oscillation. What does it indicate?" Billy asks. "What is this?" Jason asks. "What's that noise?" Zack asks. "What's going on?" Penelope asks. "It's Rita. She sent a device to open a time trap...and the Putty Patrol is gathering outside of town...find out what they are up to while I analyze the Time Device." Zordon says. "We're out of here." Jason says as Alpha pushes a few buttons and the Rangers are teleported out of the Command Center. The Rangers arrive they hide behind some rocks as they spot the Putty Patrol. "I don't get it. What are they doing out here?" Kimberly asks. "I don't know, but we stay here and keep an eye on them." Jason says. "Um, I don't believe that's a viable option at the moment." Billy says, sounding scared. Penelope turns around and sees what Billy is talking about. "Uh-oh, guys..." "What are you talking about? This is perfect camouflage." Zack says. "It was, about ten seconds ago." Trini says. Kimberly, Zack, and Jason turn around and see the Putty Patrol behind them. "Guys, we gotta morph." Kimberly says. "We can't, we're not in danger." Penelope says. "Penelope's right. Zordon says we should try taking care of things on our own, our powers...come on." Jason says. They follow Jason to an open space where they can fight the Putty's. When they did that, the Rangers began to fight them. "Billy! Trini! Penelope! Pull some away and spread them out!" Jason says. Billy, Trini, and Penelope lead some of the Putty's away, while they were being chased. Billy stops, "You go this way." Billy tells Trini. "You go the other way." He tells Penelope. "Right." Trini says and Penelope nods. They do as told, Trini hides behind some rocks until the two Putty's are gone. Once they were, Trini saw Billy on the mountain being chased by a Putty. "Billy! Billy come back!! You'll fall!" Trini shouts. Billy hears Trini, still running from the Putty that's chasing him. "Billy! You're too high!!" Trini yells. Penelope loses the two Putty's chasing her she rushes back to Trini and Billy. Jason, Kimberly, and Zack are still fighting the Putty's. Trini went after Billy, who was on the edge and had nowhere to go. "I'm afraid, but I can do this. Billy needs me." Trini says. Billy is about to use his Morpher but drops it. "My Power Morpher!" He says. Billy yells for help, realising he's too close to the edge. "Help!" "Billy!! Hang on!! Help's coming!!" Penelope yells. "I can't do it, but I have to." Trini says and begins climbing to save Billy. Penelope becomes surrounded by Putty's as she tries to help Trini. "You guys don't stop, do ya?" Penelope asks, fighting the Putty's. Zack, Kimberly, and Jason are also surrounded by Putty's. "Back off." Zack says. The Putty's pick Penelope up. "Whoa, put me down!" The Putty's throw Penelope to the ground as Zack and Jason help her up. "These guys don't know when to stop." Penelope says with a sigh. "Yeah, no kidding." Zack says. "We're going to need Billy and Trini's help." Jason says. "They're up on the mountain, I tried to get up there. I don't want Billy to fall." Penelope says looking up at the mountain. "Go, we'll clear you a path." Jason says and Penelope nods. The three help clear Penelope a path, and she makes her way to the mountain top, grabbing Billy's morpher on the way. Trini finally makes it to the top. "Hey, dirtbag! Leave him alone!" Trini says and goes over standing in front of Billy. "Come on!" Trini says to the Putty's. The Putty's charge them and fall over the edge. "That was truly morphitudinous, Trini." Billy says as Penelope reaches the two. "Thanks, Billy. What about them?" Trini asks, looking at the three Rangers trying to fend off the putties. "They're in trouble. We've got to get down there and help them. Let's go." Billy says. "Billy, Trini, I'm glad you two are okay. But they're not, and we need to get down there, and Billy." Billy looks at Penelope, "Yes?" Penelope tosses his Power Morpher at him and he catches it, "Try not to drop it next time." Penelope says with a smile. The three make their way down the mountain. "Hey! Uhh!" Kimberly says. Jason, Zack, and Kimberly are trying to break free of the Putty's but can't until Billy, Trini, and Penelope breakthrough. "Form a human chain! Now! Zack!" Jason says. "Ready! Locked on!" Zack says. "Go!" Kimberly says. "Let's do it!" Zack says. Jason, Kimberly, and Zack form a human chain and spin around, knocking the Putty's down and the Putty's run away.

Back at the Command Center, Zordon speaks to the Rangers. "Congratulations, Power Rangers. You've done a superb job dealing with the Putty's. And special congratulations to you, Trini for overcoming your fear in the face of an emergency...hold your positions, everyone...our scanners picked up a new threat...Rita has sent a creature named Bones down to the Amusement Park...he can fire Energy Bolts out of his eyes, jump long distances, and even make himself disappear...he probably controls the Time Device as well, so get moving Power's Morphin' time." Zordon says. The Rangers take out their Morphers and hold them up. "Mastodon!" Zack shouts. "Pterodactyl!" Kimberly shouts. "Triceratops!" Billy shouts. "Saber-Tooth Tiger!" Trini shouts. "Plesiosaurs!" Penelope shouts. "Tyrannosaurus!" Jason shouts. "Hi-Yah! Power Rangers!" The Rangers shout in unison. "Here. Let me help you get ahead." Bones says as he throws his head up and disappears. "Whoa!" Zack says. "What in the world," Trini says. "Into the time warp, all of you!" Bones says. They all end up in a smokey place. "Whoa!" The Rangers say in unison. "This is weird," Zack says. "Man," Jason says. "How strange," Kimberly says. "Man, what is this place? Look out!!" Jason says. Bones hits some of the Rangers. "Blade Blasters up!" Jason says. They take out their Blasters and charge Bones and his friends as they start fighting. "Wowie!" Squatt says. Jason was fighting Bones. "This ought to do it," Squatt says. "Whoa! This place is weird!" Baboo says. "Oh boy!" Squatt says. Squatt places the bomb on a plant, "Now to blow up the time device and trap them in here!" "Come on, Squatt! Hurry up!" Baboo says. "You did bring the matches, didn't you?"Baboo asks Squatt. "I told you not to forget them! Oh, let me see that!" Baboo says as he hits Squatt on the head. "I didn't forget them. They got to be in there." Squatt says. "Oh! Now just hold it steady so I can light it. There! Oh boy! Now we're gonna get it...Oh!" Squatt says. "Yay!" Baboo says. "Jason, look!" Kimberly says. "Ah stop!" Jason says. Bones uses his sword on the ground causing a quake, which makes the Rangers fall. Then Jason goes to attack Bones. "Come on! Let's blast him!" Jason says. Kimberly, Zack, Penelope, Billy, and Trini blast Bones and he breaks apart but comes back together. "The head!" Penelope shouts. "We need to destroy his head. Trini, catch!" Billy says as he throws Bones head to Trini. Trini catches the head, "Look out!" Trini charges at Bones minions and goes to the edge. "So long, Bonehead," Trini says. Bones is destroyed until Rita makes him grow and he carries Jason. Squatt and Baboo were cheering when Bones got ahold of Jason. "Hey, Jason!" Zack shouts. "Let me down, you big ox!" Jason says. "Hurry let's get out of here!" Squatt says as he and Baboo escape. The bomb explodes near the Ranger and sends them outside the time warp. Jason was struggling as Bones still had him. "Man, I've had about enough of you. Let me go!" Jason says as he starts blasting Bones. When Jason does that Bones lets go of him, Bones then throws his sword towards the Rangers and they jump out of the way. "Zordon, we need dinosaur power now!" Jason says. Jason and the other Rangers saw his T-Rex Zord coming just in time. "All right, now that's what I call power! Let's kick some giant!" Jason says. Then he jumps onto his zord and starts fighting Bones while the others stand by and watch. "Whoa! Morph, Dinozord power on!" Jason says. Jason and Bones battle. "How am I doing, Zack?" Jason asks. "Morphenomal, yeah!" Zack says. "Time to chill this dude out.q" Jason says. Then Jason destroys Bones in a matter of minutes. "Yeah!" Jason says from atop his zord.

At the Youth Center Kimberly, Trini, Jason, Billy, and Penelope were sitting together drinking smoothies while listening to Ernie talk about the Power Rangers. "Yeah, I'm telling you I heard it on the radio...six superheroes saved the park from this zombie guy...and they call themselves the Power Rangers," Ernie tells some blonde girl. "Uh, speaking of which, our Communicators are fully functional again. Thanks to Zordon and Alpha." Billy says. "Cool. So, like, we can teleport and communicate to the Command Center with these things?" Kimberly asks. "Affirmative," Billy says. Zack walks in getting ready to scare Trini. "Oh, Trini, I really wanted to express my gratitude. In helping me out today." Billy says as they stop by the rope again. "Yeah, the way you climbed those rocks was morphenomnal," Kimberly says. "I guess what they said is true, you don't really know what you can do until you're forced to do it. I hope I can be that confident next time." Trini says. Zack pops out wearing a mask scaring Trini causing her to climb up the rope very fast. "Girl looks like you've definitely overcome your fear of heights," Zack says. They all laugh. "Zack," Kimberly says, playfully shoving Zack as they are still laughing.

The Newest RangerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora