'This... This little brat... This brat!! He's able to kick the ball back!!' Susamaru said said as she takes before dropping the ball down and kicking it towards Toshiro. He kicked it back as they had a game of soccer neither one of them ready to give up as each time they kicked it to one another the force of the kick increases. When Toshiro kicked the ball towards her she catches it in her hand. 'It's time to end... this game of Temari!!' Susamaru thought as she threw the ball towards Toshiro as he tried to kick the ball. Toshiro angrily growled as he used all of his strength to kick the ball back to her.

Susamaru moved her head out of the way just in time as the ball flew past her embedding itself into the wall behind her. "Tamayo-sama, this is..." Yushiro said as he stared at Toshiro in surprised as he still stood protectively in front of them. "Yes, Yushiro. That is the true strength of Toshiro-san's own power. Even though neither of them has not eaten any flesh and blood of humans... They're very strong. He managed to use his own power to make himself stronger at an alarmingly fast rate." Tamayo said as she stared at Nezuko and Toshiro as the former went towards the boy holding his hand standing besides him.

'However, their opponent is strong as well. If that demon wants to crush us with her full strength, then Nezuko and Toshiro will definitely not be able to defend against that by themselves. I must do something as well.' Tamayo thought as she pulled back the sleeve of her Yukata. "How interesting! Little boy! Little girl! And now it's time for me to throw the balls with all my power!" Susamaru stated as six Temari balls appeared in her arm. Toshiro and Nezuko prepared themselves as Tamayo walked in front of them.

"Twelve Demon Moon-san, are you aware of Kibutsuji's true identity?" Tamayo told her as Susamaru stared at her. "What are you talking about, you!! You're just an escapee!" Susamaru shouted angrily at Tamayo as Toshiro took a step forward. "That man is but a coward. He's always afraid." Tamayo said as Yushiro pulled Toshiro away. "Shut up!! You bitch!! Shut up now!!" Susamaru exclaimed angrily taking a step back. "Do you know the reason why demons can't live together? And why demons kill each other? He only gathered the demons together to prevent himself from being attacked. You are only being manipulated." Tamayo told her softly.

"Shut up--! Shut up, shut up! The great one is not some minor villain like that!! The great one's power is incomparable to anything else! He is stronger than me!" Susamaru exclaimed as she spoke good words about Muzan. 'Tamayo-sama is using her ability.' Yushiro thought as he glanced at Tamayo. "Kibutsuji-sama is..." Susamaru said before she stopped herself covering her mouth in horror. 'Mystical Fragrance of the White Day'. Mystical Fragrance of the White Day acts like a truth serum. It's causes brain function to decrease, and will make the recipient confess their lies while not allowing them to keep any secret.' Yushiro thought as a fog surrounded Susamaru.

"You shouted out the name. The curse will now activate. How sad. Good bye..." Tamayo said as Susamaru started running to the side where Tanjiro was. "Please forgive me! Please forgive me! Please, please forgive me!" Susamaru shouted up at the sky desperately. Three arms appeared from Susamaru. The one that appeared from her mouth went towards her head squeezing hard enough before it completely destroyed it. Tanjiro who was directly behind her saw what happened as he katana fell from his mouth in horror. Toshiro already went inside falling asleep as he was tired with the others staring horrified and Tamayo looking away.

Tamayo made her way towards the spot where Susamaru last stood and stared at her eyeball. "Is she dead?" Tanjiro asked as he stared at Tamayo. "She died in an instant. This is the "curse". Kibutsuji's cells destroyed the body if the demon from within. Basically... fights between demons amount to nothing and are pointless. Because apart from sunlight and the blades of the demon slayers... Nothing will cause lethal damage to demons. However, it seems that Kibutsuji is able to destroy demon cells." Tamayo said as Tanjiro looked down sadly. Yushiro rushed towards Tanjiro as he screamed in surprised.

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