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Two weeks. It's been two weeks now.

Those were Bokuto's thoughts as his hospital room was slowly engulfed in an orange glow from the rising sun.

Two weeks since I first saw you... Who knew so much could happen in two weeks?

Bokuto's face was eerily blank and his body deathly still, even as his head swirled with thoughts. He lay on his back, clutching the drawing his sister had given him, his mind shifting to what had happened the day before.

After erasing all evidence that tears had been shed, Bokuto and his mother returned to his room. There, Boktuo was gifted two new drawings.

The first was a drawing of just Bo, Yuki, and their mother, the second was their whole family.

Bokuto had accepted Yukiko's drawings with a smile and hug. He had been sure to act happy and normal in front of his sister, and yet a glimpse of concern resided in Yukiko's eyes.

She knew... She knew something was up. But it won't matter when I'm gone.

Sighing, Bokuto folded the drawing and put it in his pocket.

To say that Bo was sad was an understatement. In truth, he was devastated. But, he knew that life was not going to change just because he was heartbroken. And, if it did change, then it would only change for the worst.

He couldn't keep wallowing in his sadness, he did have a promise to keep after all.

Stop sulking Bo. You're better than this. You're doing this for Yuki, for your family. Stay strong... SMILE.

Desperate to dull the pain, Bokuto started to reflect on his life as he continued to stare at the ceiling. He didn't think about anything serious or sad, but instead, he occupied his mind with little things that brought him joy.

For example; winter, he loved winter.

Some of Bokuto's-


Most of Bokuto's happiest memories had happened during the winter. All of his sisters had been born in a winter month and so the season had always been a time for celebration.

Maybe that's why I love winter so much?

Bokuto thought back on all the winters of his childhood. Back when he and his older sisters, Shizuyo and Fuyune had been close. They had spent countless hours playing in the snow and laughing till they couldn't breathe.

Although, when Bokuto truly thought about it, winter never actually benefited him. He celebrated his birthday in autumn unlike the rest of his siblings. And, volleyball (his favorite sport) was considered to be a summer sport.

But, winter had always made the people that he loved happy, and that's what made it special. To him, winter brought back so many happy memories and good times, countless smiles and laughs.

It had never been his feelings or opinions that gave him his love for winter. It had always been from the people that he cared about.

It had always been how their happiness made him feel.


Walking through the halls and maintaining a smile was harder this morning, even after Bokuto had done such a good job of distracting himself.

Thinking of his childhood had caused short-term joy. But now, the more that he thought about it, he was filled with a wistful sadness.

Say good morning.

In Another Life ~ Bokuto's POVWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu