thirty nine. messing up [texts]

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messing up

Tom Holland
[ tom holland ]

Mila Joseph
[ mila joseph ]

Text Message
Thu, 10 Aug, 7:12 PM

mila joseph
ok i swear the pizza thing was an accident
on my life it was

tom holland
Harrison and I are still laughing

mila joseph
my mind was literally on autopilot or smthn like i did not mean to type that

tom holland
We're gonna have a pretty hard time denying rumours now

mila joseph
honestly might as well admit it with how much i keep messing up

tom holland
You mean how much we keep messing up

mila joseph
oh no
u haven't messed up at all
i'm the one to blame here

tom holland
My tweet after the kiss was a pretty big mess up

mila joseph
it so wasn't

tom holland
I told the world that you and the kiss were "spectacular"

mila joseph
my brother told the world that i'm the mary jane to ur peter parker
tell me which one is worse

tom holland
You know my comment was pretty bad too
"Suddenly craving pizza"
That's pretty much me publicly flirting with you

mila joseph
i said u craving pizza has something to do with how sexy i am
like u can not get any worse don't even try

tom holland
Can we agree we've both messed up in this department

mila joseph
absolutely not
ur so nice even ur messing up is nice
like it barely counts

tom holland
You don't give yourself enough credit

mila joseph
neither do u
like imagine the nicest person ever
that's u
ur so nice

tom holland
I thought we said to stop the flirting

mila joseph
that's not even flirting holland

tom holland
There we go there's a mistake I make a lot!
I flirt with you like all the time

mila joseph
u do
but not publicly

tom holland
I hope you know it's all a joke btw
The flirting i mean
Wouldn't ever want to make you uncomfortable 🙂

mila joseph

tom holland

mila joseph
u know i actually don't mind it
it doesn't make me uncomfortable at all

tom holland
Oh ok
I thought maybe it did because you always tell me off after

mila joseph
it's a joke lol i thought that was obvious
i just don't know how to respond usually ahaha

tom holland
Doesn't that mean it makes you uncomfortable?
If you struggle to respond?

mila joseph
no no no
idk i just get awkward

tom holland
You? Awkward?

mila joseph
yes me ahaha

tom holland
I wouldn't have thought

mila joseph
i just um idk
when u flirt with me
like i like it i do
i just don't know how to respond in a way
idk a way that doesn't make u think i'm totally in love with u

tom holland
And we wouldn't want to actually confirm those rumours now would we ahahah

mila joseph
oh yep
for sure

tom holland
So we both know the flirting's all jokes now, yeah?

mila joseph

tom holland
Perfect :)

mila joseph

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