How it ended

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Chapter 1, Where it begins.

I've been living in this field since the day I was born. The big apple tree that sat idol on the small grass hill, the little beat path from where me and my mother always walked back to the stable to the whistle of food. The first time I had ever seen a truck, it was loud. Bright. It exclaimed a loud Beeeeep. It carried a white trailer, which in the dark I could've made out a red plus mark on it. Something I never had seen before. I hadn't seen my mother after that, I think she's on a trip somewhere. An old stallion told me she was okay, I grew to stop believing that after I grew a couple years wise. Everyday I still hoped she would come back for me, I'm slowly loosing hope.

Today, a summer evening in 1929, I was talking to the horses in the barn. I had been digging around in an empty trough, food had started to get less and less.

"Why don't they feed us much anymore? Do they not love us?" I asked a timid mare beside me.

"No, darling. I heard The stablehand and houseowner talking earlier. We're running out of money, thats all. They love us very much."

Money? They won't feed us because of money? I never understood that. It confused me how someone could be so wrapped up in money that they wouldn't feed family? I don't understand the concept of money, how its used, earned, and I don't think I will.

And so I grew, from filly to yearling. It was my third winter, an early december in 1931, there were shiny wrap around everything, and huge candy canes, I tasted one. They were bitter, I wonder why they like those things. My owner, Phoebe, was introducing me to something called a bridle. She tried to slip a long piece of metal into my mouth, but I didnt want it. It tasted odd and was uncomfortable. She held my head and inserted the bit, and I tried to get it out, giving up after a few tries.
"Good girl" Phoebe exclaimed to me.

Suddenly a loud low-tone bell called out into the barn.

"I gotta go girl!" Phoebe grabbed the bridle and the bit off of my head and out of my mouth, and hung it on a low nail. I guess thats her dinner bell. I assumed.

The stablehand brought me to the round paddock, after a long sleep. He used a lunge and had me do numerous gaits, like trot, gallop, hand gallop. I thought I nailed them all, but he kept banging a stick on the ground that made loud noise. I thought I was ready to be ridden but they still didn't trust me. I waited patiently day after day. I waited for three things. My mother, food, and Pheobe to finally trust to ride me. Only two of those things happened.

Phoebe finally made her way to the courage of riding me. I had become a gentle but strong mare, good for a child her age and record. Phoebe had hoisted herself up onto my arched back, the weight had thrown me off.

"It's ok Trix, go slowly." Phoebe made a clicking noise, and she whispered "Trot" to me.

I immediately began at a trot for her, trying my very hardest to make her proud of me. Even if she wasn't I could hear the horses whinny back in the stable, barely making out a watch out from a stallion. I had gotten carried away, hardly realizing I had trotted into the street. She pulled on the reins and I looked back at her, and then into the street, realizing a car was headed straight for us.

I tried to get off the street, her hurdling scream to taunt me for my eternity.

I woke up in a horrible place, a needle in my neck, I couldnt move my legs. I was in a horrible small stall with a strange person in my face. There was bandages all over my aching body, and my beautiful shiny chestnut coat was shaved in places. I recognized nothing. No one. Not a single thing. I tried to look around but I could barely lift my heavy head, it was as if someone had turned me back into a foal. Suddenly I heard the cries of Pheobe.

"Mother please don't sell Trix she didn't mean it!!" Phoebe's crutches shook as she cried.

"We have to pay for your medical treatment, say goodbye." Pheobe's mother shook it off as if she was just selling a dairy cow. Phoebe leaned down to me.

"Goodbye, Trix." She gave me one last hug. I cant move... where are you going Pheobe? C-come back... I suddenly fell back asleep by the vet.

I remember groggily waking back up, with ropes tied to my every limb. There were around five different people trying to pick me up and get me to stand. I took this chance to look for Pheobe or anyone I knew. I jolted up, the pain running down my spine like a thousand needles were being stabbed into me. I had looked around the place frantically, hurt horses peeked up at me through their stalls. The barn was a flashy white color, with medical supplies everywhere. I was taken outside, where a man with huge muscles, a uniform, and buzzed hair examined me. He opened my mouth and looked at my teeth, which was very uncomfortable. He looked at my flimsy unfed legs, and he checked how bad my sores were.

"I'll give you a bit of money for this geiser." The man said. There it is again, money. I thought.

Him and the vet settled at a huge price of 400 dollars. On a piece of paper was the date. August 12th, 1934. For KE Trix Stamper, 400 USD. The uniformed man signed his name, Joe Millar Green. I was loaded into a shiny silver trailer with one other horse. On his bridle was a few charms, spelling M-A-X-I-M-U-S. Maximus.

The man closed the trailer, and in a jolt to the trailer he slammed his own door of the car.

"Your skinny, how are you supposed to be of assistance to us?" Maximus questioned, looking me up and down.

"Where am I going? Wheres Pheobe?" I asked, frightened.

"Pheobe?" Maximus asked, confused.

"Pheobe is my rider. Where is she?" I concerned once more.

"I don't know where Pheobe is, but I know where your going." Maximus said.

"Where?" I wanted to know bad.

"The military base."

This is just part one of my book, chapter two comes very soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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