
Gabriel's Fifteenth Birthday Flashback

Third POV

Gabriel was impatiently waiting for his mother and father to arrive. He was excited about the gifts they'd bring back for him. Of course, they would bring gifts it was his birthday after all. Amelia was hanging onto his right arm as they walked around the garden heading back into the castle. Mason walked a foot a head of them at this point he was used to being the third wheel. Gabriel inhaled Amelia's sweet scent and looked down at her smiling. She was paying him no mind and was busy looking at the new blooms in the garden.

"Has anyone seen Alastair? He left yesterday so he sould have already been here." Mason observed the absence of their friend.

"Maybe he got stuck with something else. After all, apprenticeship isn't a walk and a skip. From what I've heard his mentor has really been pushing him lately." Amelia answered. 

"Of course, his mentor is pushing him. His mentor understands the significance of protecting this castle considering mother and father's military took over another kingdom. He's pushing him because now there are even more lives to protect." Gabriel reminds them confidently of his parent's recent success. 

"I can't help but have a bad feeling," Mason shrugs. 

"Maybe he is waiting for us in the castle," Amelia tries to comfort him. "Let's go look."

As the trio walk through the castle doors, Allastair was already waiting for them. Except this wasn't the Allistair they thought they knew. The imposter who looked like Alastair in every way stared at Amelia with a menacing look. 

Noticing how uncomfortable Allistair was making Amelia he quickly put on a smile greeting his friends. To his surprise it was the girl who greeted him first and hugged him. He stood there surprised not embracing her hug. When she backed a foot away from him she tilted her head in confusion noticing something off about him. "We were about to go up to the library where the ball is being held later would you like to join?"

"Sure," he answers her not taking his eyes off Gabriel.

They begin to ascend the left stairwell the one closest to the library. Gabriel whispers sweet things into Amelia's ear making her blush while Mason talks to Alastair about some event that happened that day between him and some guy named Lukas. 

Once they enter the library Mason begins asking him about his travels but Allastair cuts him off rudely by getting to the point of why he is here. "Can I speak with you in privacy your highness?" He smiled at the young prince.

Gabriel laughed at his friend, "since when did you start addressing me by that?"

"Can I talk you alone?" Allastair repeated his smile not disappearing off his face.

"Sure," Gabriel replied taking Alastair to the opposite end of the library.

They sit in some seats against the wall opposite of the bookshelves. An orchestra hired for the balll begins to rehearse a slow waltz. Gabriel notices Mason beginning to waltz with Amelia. Gabriel smiles at his young love interest enjoying her sloppy dancing. 

"Isn't Amelia amazing?" Gabriel asks his future high warlock in the making.

 Aww that's her name- Amelia Alastair thinks to himself

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