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It feels like I'm at war

I'm not sure with whom this time
Is it my past? Or is it my daunting future?
Am I one at the other end of the sword ?
Or is it a friendship of past?

It's scary thought. No escape route , no other option then killing or being killed.
How many parts of myself will I have to lose to win this game ?

Would it really be a win or a lose,
If I end up losing all parts of myself?
It's a difficult choice to make when you are not sure if wining and living is really what you want.

Because even after this war, it's wounds will forever live,
Reminding me of the what ifs and lost parts.

How can it be that this is what people are born in this world for?
It's either a war with oneself or a war with people who you could once fight for.


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