
Now all of the berries I had just picked her scattered along the floor of the jungle. My mouth was still open and I just moved my eyes slowly up to Rosé. I closed my mouth and pointed to my now ruined berries.

"Mind explaining to me why you just slapped perfectly good raspberries out of my hand?"

"Those aren't raspberries." She said as she pointed to them. I scoffed,

"Uh, yeah they are. When was the last time you read up on your poisonous plants and edible plants?" I asked her because these were clearly raspberries. She mumbled something incoherent and I knew she hasn't looked over them in a while, "That's what I thought, now let me eat my berries in peace."

I picked some more and then actually ate them this time. I smiled at the flavor hitting my taste buds and picked some more to eat. I also stuffed a few in my pouch so I could dry them out, take the seed off of them, and plant them by my shelter if I'm stuck here long enough. I saw Rosé eating some raspberries a few bushes away and just smirked at how she looked. She was all shy and I know she feels stupid right now, and I was more than fine with that.

After a couple of minutes, I decided to continue exploring in another direction that didn't have as much foliage and I actually heard some running water which made me extremely happy. Running water means drinking water, and it's most likely fresh water too since we are a ways away from the beaches. I had a spring in my step as I slashed through a few bushes and stumbled upon a flowing river. I took a deep breath out of exhaustion and plopped down on the cool rocks that lines the water. I took off my hat and just closed my eyes, listening to the water for a few moments. It was then interrupted by a screeching voice from behind me and frantic footstep.

I threw my head back in annoyance and turned around to see Rosé getting chased by a swarm of bees. My eyes widened as I quickly got up, shrugged off my tailcoat, took off my boots, and jumped into the freezing river. I stayed underwater for a while and heard a splash next to me, telling me that Rosé had also jumped into the river to get away from the bees. I know that they will not be aggressive after 30 seconds of us being hidden under the water, so I waited for the time to pass.

I saw Rosé swimming down stream and just let her do her own thing as I just sat still under the water. I mentally counted a minute in my head to be sure all the bees would be gone and slowly poked my head out of the water. I looked around and didn't see any angry bees or hear them buzzing. I sighed and started to get out of the water, now completely soaked. My white shirt was sticking to my skin and I just hated the feeling. I kept pulling it away from my body, but it just kept going right back. I gave up and just put on my tailcoat, hat, and boots before wandering down stream to tell Rosé that her friendly bees were gone.

I was whistling along the way and observed my surroundings, mentally noting what was around here. There were some dead trees, edible plants, some bird's nests, and other things that can easily help me survive for a little while. I hope that Lisa gets her shit together and finds me before I die, that would be nice. I continued walking and saw Rosé just laying down on the rocks facing upwards. I smirked to myself seeing her all disheveled and soaked because it's what she deserves. I stood overtop of her and gave her a cocky grin,

"Ya get your exercise in for today?" She met my eyes and coughed up a little water, making me cringe.

"Mhm, glad I did." She said after she got all the water out of her system. I nodded my head and just walked away from her. I looked around by the fresh water some more and something so amazing caught my attention, I literally screamed in happiness. I ran over to it and picked it off of the tree that it was growing on, along with many more, stuffing them into my pouch.

High Sea's Love (Rosé x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now