Chapter 13: Last Day of Camp ~ Part 2

Start from the beginning

Kenji began to try and brush the candy bar off his tongue. "Ugh, get it off, get it off, get it off!" I just burst out into laughter, nearly falling out of my seat. I then sat back up again and continued to eat my candy bar. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. "What? It's not that bad, also I'm starving people!" I respond, then rolled my eyes. Sammy then leaned over Ben's seat. "Ben, someone stole your candy bars and put dirt in 'em." "They're carob bars. They pair perfectly with--" He was about to finish before Darius cut him off. "Carob juice. Awesome." Ben nodded. "Carob is nature's chocolate. Just as delicious, with none of the sugar or caffeine." I snagged a juice box from Ben's fanny pack, then began to suck it down. Once again, everyone, including Yasmina turned to look at me. "Maybe I'm thirsty too." I roll my eyes again, and finish my juice box. "What is wrong with sugar and caffeine? First thing I'm gonna do when I get home is hug my espresso machine. I may never let go." Brooklyn then hugged herself to paint the picture.

"You know..." Kenji sat up in his seat a bit, attempting to look cool. I've often described myself as a tall hot drink." I rolled my eyes at his comment. "Come on man, gross." I made a barf face, then giggled a little bit. "Kenji, you could never be coffee." Brooklyn responds plainly, giving him a bit of a smirk. "I could be coffee!" Kenji replied back, trying to protect his ego. "What is the first thing you are going to do when you get home, Yaz?" I ask her. "Well, once my ankle's better, it's back to training. And I guess finding a new corporate sponsor, since mine was Jurassic World. But, you know..." 

"It's gonna be weird for things to go back to normal again." Darius spoke up. "Like, are video games gonna seem boring now?" I giggled a bit, while Kenji chuckled. "What is the first thing you are gonna do when you get home, Kenji?" I ask, a bit curious on what he would say. His eyebrows raised, and he then began to smirk. "Depends on which wing of our mansion you're talking about. East wing is usually off limits, but Dad and Candy are always on business. So, I guess I'll go downstairs to our bowling alley." His smirk then began to fade as he looked down at his lap for a few moments. "Staff always lets me win. Life of a VIP."

"What is the first thing you are gonna do when you get home, Y/n?" Yasmina turned to me, everyone else turning to face me. I thought for a moment; with all the running around on a dinosaur infested island and nearly getting eaten, more than once, I hadn't really thought about what I would do when, if, I ever got home. "Well, I  guess the first thing I am gonna do is probably fill my sketchbook with everything we have been through. This has been a real life changer, and I hate to do nothing with it. Whether we like it or not, I think it is now gonna be a big part of our lives forever." Everyone began to nod in agreement. "So, what have you missed Ben?" Sammy asked. Kenji scoffed a bit, then spoke up. "Oh. Let me guess, you can't wait to get home to your closet of dork pouches. Sammy and Brooklyn chuckled a bit at Kenji's comment. Ben, on the other hand, didn't look amused what so ever. "Ha, ha. Very funny."

"But, seriously Ben, you've had juice boxes for days!" Darius adds in. "How much stuff can you fit in that thing?" Ben began to collect all the questions and answer them one by one. "Well one, lots, and two, obviously the first thing I'm gonna do when I get back is restock it." 

We all then began to laugh. I suddenly realized, it has been a while since we have all had a good laugh without dinosaurs trying to eat us.

Kenji got out of his seat, reaching for a rack with flashlights. He flipped the switch, then made a weird face with the light. "Hey guys, I found the one thing in Jurassic World that works!" As he finished, he drops it, a small crack comes from it while it turns off. I lift a brow at him, crossing my arms. He chuckles nervously while picking it up quickly. It turns on again, and he laughs nervously. "Still works." 

I roll my eyes and chuckle. "I still can't believe how much went wrong." Brooklyn points out. "Oh, like that time we almost got eaten?" "Which time?" Yaz asks, lifting a brow. I do a face palm. "Literally, how was there more than one time?!" 

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