
Depuis le début

"Your dad hates me, I'll never make the team," the boy heaved.

"Hate is a strong word," Veronica commented.

"I'm serious, at the hospital he was burning literal holes in the back of my head," Jaxson joked.

"Well all you have to do is play your best and prove my dad and the coach wrong." the brunette answered.

"Well, I'll try my best,"

"That's the spirit and even if you don't make the team so what? It's not the end of the world." Veronica shrugged.

"I guess so."

· · ── ·𖥸· ── · ·

The warm September sun beat down on Jaxson's skin. He was stood on the sidelines of the field warming up for practice. Beads of sweat pooling on his forehead. The boy sighed as he threw the ball to one of the other players.

"Gather round boys. Today we will have four very special guests." the man announced.

"You might already know three of these four people since they attend this school," the coach continued.

"We want to give a warm welcome to Kaleb de Romano and his children; Veronica, Victoria, and Kai." Coach Malachi finished.

The boys all clapped as Kaleb made his way across the field with his children following behind. 

"Thank you so much for the welcome, Peter," The man said as he shook coach Malachi's hand.

"No worries Kaleb, we'll get started as soon as you're ready." the coach ended, patting the younger man's shoulder.

"Veronica, Victoria, and Kai you can go sit on the sidelines, I'll be there in a sec," Kaleb told his children.

"Whatever, Dad," Veronica muttered, as she and her siblings made their way to the side of the field.

"Okay, gentlemen, as you may already know, I am here to choose this year's team. Most importantly, I will be picking the new quarterback." the man explained.

"This will be a fair choice, I don't care if you're best friends with my children or I don't care if your mom or dad is the mayor of this town," he continued.

"With that being said, Jaxson I want you to play as quarterback today." Kaleb finished.

"Wait, I usually play as quarterback," Ace whined in protest.

"Well today it's Jaxson's turn, you can play as fullback," Kaleb retorted with a shrug.

Ace scowled at his response, before turning to glare at Jaxson who wore a smug look on his face.

"You heard what the man said, Ace," the Adamson boy taunted.

"You're lucky Kaleb's here, cause I would've kicked your ass by now." Ace whispered as he walked past Jaxson slightly bouncing him with his shoulder as he passed.

"Okay, the rest of you, go to coach Malachi to be assigned with what position you'll be playing as today.

· · ── ·𖥸· ── · ·

After playing two-quarters of the mock game, half time had been called. Jaxson had already found his way over to where the Ferrero siblings were cheering him on as he walked towards them. Well everyone except Victoria.

"Hey, guys." he greeted.

"Jaxson, you did great out there." Veronica piped as the boy took a seat beside her on the bench.

"Yeah, dude, if you don't make the team, we know the choice was biased," Kai added.

"Ace is pissed that I got to play quarterback. He keeps trying to trip me up," The boy told them.

"Well if he wants to play dirty, you play dirtier,"  Veronica comments with a careless shrug.

"What do you mean by play dirtier?" Victoria suddenly interjected.

"I don't know, make him trip hard enough to twist an ankle or a small tiny fracture in his heel." the girl replied with a straight face.

The trio looked at Veronica in shock, slightly concerned about the words she had just uttered.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You aren't serious, are you?" Victoria questioned.

"Of course not, what do you take me for?" the older twin scoffed.

"You sure, cause you looked pretty serious to me," Kai stated.

"It was a joke, guys, nothing to worry about," Veronica mumbled.

"Jaxson stop flirting and get your ass over here!" coach Malachi yelled from the middle of the field.

"I'm not flirting si-"

"In that case, I don't care what you are doing. Half time is over, hurry up." the man said, cutting Jaxson off.

"Whatever, coach," the boy sighed.

Turning to face the three siblings, the boy wiped his hand across his face. "Uh, I have to go, I will see you guys later,"

"Good luck Jax," Veronica piped.

· · ── ·𖥸· ── · ·

The second half had finally come to an end, and the coach and Kaleb had yet to announce the new members of the team. Jaxson was stood nervously next to the twins and Kai.

"Okay guys, I have to say you all did well today, but your coach and I could only choose forty of you for the team," Kaleb started, grabbing everyone's attention.

"I will only be announcing your new quarterback. Coach Malachi will tell the others their playing positions, and he will also pick the team captain." he continued.

"But without further adieu, I present to you, your new quarterback, Jaxson Adamson," the man finished.

"I made the team."

"I made the team," Jaxson repeated, the news slowly sinking in.

"Yes Jaxson, you made it,"  Kaleb told the boy.

A large grin spread across the  Adamson boy's face.

For once he had made it.

· ── ·𖥸· ── · ·


I have one more prewritten chapter, I hate it here. By the way, the drama starts from chapter 9/10. 😏

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