Chapter 14: The Mirror of Galadriel.

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Everyone was settling down for the night in Lothlorien. They would be safe there for the time being.

The Starks had a difficult time taking all that they had just learned. "So, Sansa made a wish. Those Old Gods granted it, and now we're here." The Hound recapped.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen." Sansa begged. She hoped that her family didn't hate her.  "I- I didn't think it would work."

Jon just approached Sansa calmly. "Sansa, this isn't your fault. I mean... how were you to know that we would all get transported to this world?" He asked.

"I didn't." Sansa admitted. "What if I could, pray again for us to go back?" She suggested.

"What's left to go back to?" Arya asked. She then looked at Sansa. "Sansa, Father and Mother are gone. Robb's gone. We've lost the war. And if we go back, we'll probably all be executed for being us. Look, as much as I don't know about all of this... we're stuck here."

"We're all we've got left." Jon added. "But what matters is that we stick together. We all swore that in Rivendell." 

The Hound just rolled his eyes as he was standing there like an awkward extra wheel.

Sansa then looked at the other members of the Fellowship. "Sorry, we made you take us all along on your journey and slow you down." She apologized.

"Don't be sorry. You've helped us come this far." Frodo assured.

"I mean, you helped keep Mr. Frodo safe against the Nazgul." Sam added.

"You're a part of this Fellowship just as much as we are." Aragorn declared. 

Sansa was about to say more when she heard some elves singing from the trees.

"A Lament for Gandalf." Legolas explained.

"What do they say about him?" Merry asked.

"I have not the heart to tell you. For me, the grief is still too near." Legolas answered.

"I think we're all thinking that at the moment." Jon replied.

"I bet they don't mention his fireworks." Sam pointed out. "There should be a verse about them. The finest rockets ever seen. They burst in stars of blue and green. Or after thunder, silver showers... "

Sansa smiled at that. She remembered all those fireworks that Gandalf had for Bilbo's Birthday. "You think that we should say some things to honor Gandalf?" She asked.

Everyone nodded. "Sansa, do you want to go first?" Jon asked.

Sansa nodded. "I never knew him for long. But Gandalf... he took me in when I arrived in this strange land. He gave me a place to live in for a time. If it wasn't for him, we never would've gotten past that Balrog, or helped me when I was morning for my family and every horrible thing I ever did in the past." She started.

"Gandalf was a great Wizard. Whenever he visited The Shire, we always knew that it was when Spring was coming. It was always such a great time when he visited. His Fireworks were always a work of art." Sam went next. "Oh, that doesn't do them justice by a long road."

Everyone insisted that Jon go next. "I... didn't know, Gandalf for very long, but he kept my sister safe. I'll always be grateful for that." He raised up a glass. "To Gandalf."

And everyone raised their glasses. "To Gandalf." They all agreed.

Boromir was in the back sitting on a tree root.

Worlds Collide: A LOTR/GOT Crossover. The Fellowship of the Ring.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα