Chapter 9: At the Council of Elrond.

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The Council of Elrond was in full swing by the Courtyard. Sansa and Arya had gotten cleaned up. Per the whole status of Social Gatherings. And among them sitting in a circle of chairs were Aragorn, Boromir, The Hound, Legolas and the Elves, Gimli and the Dwarves, Frodo, and Gandalf.

"Strangers from distant lands. Friends of old. And others." Elrond was looking at the Starks. "You've been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor." He began. "Middle Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite, or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate. This one doom. Bring forth the ring, Frodo." He motioned for Frodo to stand up and place the ring on an alter. 

"That's it? That's the ring?" The Hound asked. 

"It looks like a basic golden ring." Arya commented. 

"I said the same thing. And it's very deadly." Sansa whispered to Arya.

"So it is true." Boromir said.  Frodo sat down. And it felt like there was a silent call for someone to take it.

Boromir started to get up. "In a dream. I saw the Eastern Sky grow dark. But, in the West. A pale light lingered. The voices crying. A doom near its end. Isildur's bane is found." He walked right over to the ring. "Isildur's bane." He reached out for it.

"Don't touch it!" Sansa yelled.

"Boromir!" Elrond got up.

Until Gandalf began speaking in a dark tone. Black Speech. He got up and started saying something that the humans could not understand. The same tone that Gandalf used on Bilbo back in the Shire. Elrond and the other Elves started to to look distraught. It was actually physically and mentally hurting for them to hear it.

The Dark sky began to grow. "Sansa?" Arya asked nervously.

"He does that." Sansa answered a little shaky. And then the sky grew light again.

"Could've warned us you know." Jon commented.

"Sorry." Sansa apologized.

Boromir had sat back down.

"Never before has any voice uttered the words of that tongue here, in Rivendell." Elrond said. 

"Do not ask your pardon, Master Elrond." Gandalf replied. "For The Black Speech of Mordor may yet be heard in every corner of the West. The ring is altogether evil." He warned.

Jon looked at it with confusion. To think that evil was contained in that one object.

"It is a gift." Boromir said. "A gift to the foes of Gondor. Why not use this ring?" He addressed. "Long has my father, The Steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay! By the blood of our people! While your lands kept safe! Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy! Let us use it against him!" He requested.

"Did you not hear what Lord Elrond just said?" Sansa asked. "That ring is evil."

"Still having a hard time believing that a ring can do that." The Hound muttered to Jon.

"You cannot wield it. None of us can. The One Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master." Aragorn pointed out.

Sansa and Arya kept their mouths silent. They both knew for a fact that wasn't the case as they saw Frodo use it. And Bilbo that one time for Sansa at The Shire.

"And what would a ranger know of this matter?" Boromir asked not sounding at all like Ned Stark.

"This is no mere Ranger." Legolas snapped standing up. "He is Aragorn. Son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance."

Worlds Collide: A LOTR/GOT Crossover. The Fellowship of the Ring.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ