The Boy In The Iceberg Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"You're okay."

The animal got up and the boy was petting it's nose softly, Mara smiled widely and was about to run up to it before Katara held her back. Sokka walked up to the boy with his sisters trailing behind him, he then asked the boy.

"What is that thing?"

"This is Appa, my flying bison." The boy said with a smile on his face.

Sokka rolled his eyes at this and said sarcastically, while pointing to Katara first then her.

"Right and this is Katara and Mara, my flying sisters."

Appa started growling lowely and the boy moved away from him a little bit, he quickly ducked down and a big green snot came flying at the siblings. Mara seeing this grabbed onto Katara and they moved out of the way from the line of fire as the boy yelled.

"Look out!"

When the three turned to look at Sokka, he was covered in the flying bison's snot. Sokka freaked out and started ewing a lot while trying to wipe off the snot. He went on his knees and began rubbing his face in the snow, Katara was smiling widely at her brother's misfortune while Mara was giggling behind her hand. The boy's smile widened as he dreamily looked at Mara, before hearing Sokka gross out even more as he said to the grossed out boy.

"Don't worry, it'll wash out."

Sokka put a gloved hand to his face where the green snot was and pulled it away, realizing it was even sticking to that as he shudders in even more disgust.

The boy looked at Mara with a warm smile as he said.

"So do you guys live around here?"

The boy jumped back a little when a spear was pointed at him, as Sokka warned his sister's.

"Don't answer that, did you see that crazy bolt of light? He was probably trying to signal the fire navy." 

Sokka stood up and narrowed his eyes at the boy who had his hands raised in surrender, Mara rolled her eyes at her brother's stupidity. Katara let go of her sister and walked around Sokka as she said sarcastically.

"Oh yeah. I'm sure he's a spy for the fire navy, you can tell by that evil look in his eyes."

She moved the spear away from the boy and glared at her brother, Mara looked at the boy standing in front of the flying bison as he widened his eyes and gave him an innocent smile with a shoulder shrug. Mara giggled which caused the boy to blush slightly, the young girl walked around Sokka and stood next to her sister as she said.

"The paranoid one is my brother Sokka, you never told us your name." 

"I'm ah, ah, ah." He started out, making a weird face at the siblings before sneezing and blasting into the air.

Their eyes widened as they watched the boy slide down the opening of the iceberg and come to a stop in front of the young girl.

"I'm Aang." He introduced himself with a sheepish smile while he rubbed his nose with a finger.

Katara and Sokka stared at him with their jaws dropped, as Sokka said to the boy.

"You just sneezed and flew ten feet in the air."

"Really? It felt higher than that." Aang said as he glanced away from the trio to look at the air.

"Oh! You're an Airbender." Katara gasped, as she looked excitedly at Mara.

"Sure am." Aang agreed with a nod.

"That's so cool!" Mara exclaimed excitedly as she quickly stood next to Aang. "You need to show me some air-bending sometime."

"Giant light beans, flying bison, airbenders. I think I got midnight sun madness." Sokka said as he started talking to himself while walking away from the three. "I'm going home to where stuff makes sense."

Sokka stopped at the edge of the iceberg and looked around, he sighed and dropped his head realizing he couldn't get home without his canoe. Aang smiled at this as he found a way to get to spend more time with Mara, he then said aloud to the group.

"Well, if you guys are stuck, Appa and I can give you a lift."

Aang grabbed a hold of Mara's waist and twisted them off the ground, he used Appa's head and boosted himself on top of Appa's neck with Kids sitting beside him. Mara looked down at Katara with a wide smile as she waved from her spot on Appa, Katara couldn't help the chuckle that slipped past her lips at her sister's eagerness. 

"We'd love a ride thanks." Katara said as she quickly went around Appa to find a way to get on him.

Aang moved from his position beside Mara and hopped in the saddle to help Katara climb into it as well, Sokka turned around and saw his sister's already on the flying bison. He started walking towards them as he said.

"Oh, no! I am not getting on that fluffy snot monster."

"Are you hoping some other kind of monster will come along and give you a ride home?" Mara questioned her older brother, leaning her head into her hand as she raised an eyebrow daring her brother to say no. "You know before you freeze to death."

Aang, after quickly helping Katara into the saddle, came back and stood next to Mara, looking at her with an amused smile. Sokka glared up at his sister, pointing a finger at her looking ready to scold Mara before pausing and sighing. He dropped his shoulders and his head down as he walked around Appa to get into the saddle, this time Katara helped him.

After helping Sokka get into the saddle he sat next to Katara pouting with his arms crossed over his chest, Katara rolled her eyes at her brother's unhappiness and clapped her hands excitedly as she smiled up at her sister who was sitting by Aang.

"Okay first time flyers, hold on tight." Aang said with a wide smile, he glanced at Mara who sat next to him and said to her gently with a blush on his cheeks. "You can hold onto me if you'd like."

Mara smiled at Aang's kindness as she wrapped an arm around Aang's waist, Aang's blush darkened and his smile somehow got wider as he looked down at his friend and said lightly hitting the reins.

"Appa, yip yip."

The flying bison groaned loudly, and prepared himself to fly. Feeling the bison love caused Kids to hold onto Aang a little bit tighter, they soared through the air for two seconds before Appa landed with a loud splash in the water. Katara crawled to the front to check if her sister was okay, only to find her smiling and giggling at the bison below her.

"Come on, Appa yip yip."

Sokka leaned against the saddle with arms still crossed over his chest as he said sarcastically with a roll of his eyes.

"Wow, that was amazing."

"Appa's just tired, he just needs a little rest and he'll be flying in the sky in no time." Mara reassured her brother and Aang.

Katara smiled at her sister's optimism, that's when she saw that Aang was giving her sister a smile that their dad used to give to their mom. Katara couldn't help but picture the two married and having kids together, she already shipped them and she was going to make sure Aang stayed around to have that ship going.

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