Powers, abilities, and dragon

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Quirk: Copy. A stronger version then Monoma's where he only has to see it once and he can chose to keep it or get rid of it. Right now it's sealed but later on it will awaken. When it awakens it will have a set limit on how many copy's he can do, which will be three, in other words he will be able to copy three people abilities, powers, or sacred gears. Also what ever he copy's he will gain all the knowledge the person knows and all the powers of what ever he copy's that it has at the moment. He will have to continue to copy it when it gain a new power he does not have.

How his quirk was sealed is that his father, AFO. He sealed it when he was a child because it was to powerful for a four year old to develop. This also explains why he never had a dad. He also does not hate his dad, how could he, he never knew him.

Devil powers: Since his is a part of the Gremory family he will get the Power Of Destruction. Also he will have the power to heal when he sleeps naked with someone. He can fly with his wings, see better in the dark, able to understand and talk in any language, and better hearing.( You know your basic devil powers.)

Sacred Gear: Enhancing Armament

Appears on right hand, Izuku is the first holder of Enhancing Armament

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Appears on right hand, Izuku is the first holder of Enhancing Armament.

Greed: One of his powers is greed. He got it from his scared gear and the dragon in it. What it does is that it makes him more greedy but he can control it, to a certain extent where he wants to be the center of attention, wants all the girls, and wants to know everything. A cool bonus about it is that since he is so greedy he is able to be with any race, for example he can kiss an angel with out them falling. He can also take the greed of anyone, anything, plus the desire of them and add it to him to give him a power boost.

Enhance: He can enhance any part of his body, his whole body, or anyone else. He can also enhance is seances far beyond their normal capability. Can also exchange certain aspects of a person or the chromosome of a person as well.

Magic: He has a large amount of magic energy, enough to rival some of the devil kings. He also has an affinity for every magic thanks to his quirk and being reincarnated is a devil. Since he was not born into a house hold this helped him not be tied to a single magic. Able to create magic never heard of before for example, sand magic and so on and so on.

Magic circle:

Magic circle:

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