Peter stuck to Bucky's back like glue so he wouldn't get lost in the crowd moving back together behind them. A few people shot Peter questioning looks, but he chose to ignore them, opting to focus on the mission at hand.

The two arrived at the barricade the police had set up. Officers were scattered around it, making sure civilians didn't try to dart past and enter the building. News stations were filming a couple of feet past the barricade. Probably so they had a clear view of Stark Towers and didn't have to fight the crowd.

Bucky jumped the fence and took off across the wide expanse of concrete without hesitation. When Peter attempted to follow, a police officer wrapped an arm around his stomach and pulled him back behind the metal fence. "I can't let you go in there, kid," he instructed. "It's too dangerous."

Of course, they would let Bucky through. He's considered a superhero now. Peter honestly didn't think they would let him through. Him being dressed as a civilian and all. It was worth a shot, though. Beats having to immediately go with plan B.

Bucky got halfway between the barricade and Stark Towers when he noticed that Peter was no longer behind him. He turned around and stared at Peter. His steel-blue eyes said it all, 'Why are you still behind the fence?'

Peter struggled against the arms holding him back until the Police Officer moved one of his hands to Peter's shoulder.

Peter leaned on the metal fence and yelled, "It's okay Bucky. Just go without me." Bucky gave him a stiff nod and turned back around. He was inside the building in seconds.

Peter tilted his head, moving his eyes to focus on the cop holding him back. He shook the hand off his shoulder and turned around. The cop straightened up and crossed his arms.

Peter attempted a halfhearted argument, "Sir, my dad's in there. Will you please let me through?"

The officer shook his head. "I'm sorry, kid, but I can't let any civilians cross the barricade."

Peter sighed and started walking around the police officer, back toward the crowd eagerly watching the exchange. "Okay then," he shrugged.

Peter only made it a few feet before he stopped and turned back around. The police officer was now leaning against the metal fence, eyeing him. He obviously thought Peter was about to cause trouble, and he was right.

Peter's eyes moved to the ground, and he mumbled under his breath, "FRIDAY, activate FTN sneakers." The bottom of his shoes glowed a faint blue, and he started hovering over the asphalt.

Peter looked back up to see that the police officer's eyes had widened quite a bit. He was now standing straight up and had a hand placed over his radio. If Peter gave him enough time, he would probably call in backup.

Peter took a running stance and sprinted across the air toward the barricade. The Police Officer stood his ground, which was fine by Peter. He jumped up a few feet from the fence—he most certainly did not use his powers—and hovered over the officer's head.

By now, Peter had attracted the attention of most of the crowd. Who wouldn't notice a kid hovering above them? Wonder and shock filled their eyes. 

Peter smirked and gave the crowd a two-fingered salute. "Adios Amigos," he yelled down. The bottom of his shoes glowed brighter, and he rose higher and higher into the sky. FRIDAY controlled the steering—because a way to control the direction the sneakers went had yet to be decided—and brought him to a window on the 39th floor. Thankfully, she had already opened it, so he didn't smack into it like a bird. That would've been embarrassing.

As soon as Peter was through the window, his shoes stopped glowing blue. He landed silently on the balls of his feet and got into a fighting stance. His eyes darted across the room, scanning every square inch. Nothing was out of place. Peter let his posture relax, but he didn't dare let his guard down. FRIDAY's scanners weren't showing any other heat signatures other than him and the little girl on this floor, but she's been hacked before, which means she can be hacked again. It's better to be safe than sorry.

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