Brian looked back over as he joined in on the song, finding that Joe was staring back at him, a toothy smile plastered on to his face.

"And you know it's true.
It don't matter what'll come to be,
Our love is all we need, to make it through..."

After everyone took their bow, the group began to bunch off and walk offstage, but Joe didn't take his arm off of Brian. To his relief, the younger boy didn't walk away from him, leaning into his touch and allowing Joe to continue holding him as they walked offstage together. As they slipped out of view of the audience, Joe allowed the hand he had around his shoulders to travel down, until he found Brian's hand. As soon as he gently brushed his hand along his, the younger boy slipped his hand into his, intwining their fingers.


"So... that happened."

They were back in the sheet music closet; the one place where most likely they could find some privacy while everyone else was packed into the dressing rooms and rehearsal room. Brian was pacing back and forth, while Joe had walked in and settled himself against the counter. "Yeah." He stated simply in an answer to Brian.

"Uh... so... was that improv? I mean obviously it was since it's not in the script, you know that, um, I guess what I'm asking is.... I actually don't know what I'm asking."

Joe scoffed, staring down at the floor. "I mean, I supposed maybe it started off as improv... but I did warn you that I wasn't sure if I could make it until the end of the show." He finished, winking at him.

Brian felt his heart skip a beat. He had told him that. He finally stopped pacing, nervously placing his hands into his pockets as he looked over at Joe. "You never specified what you couldn't wait to do."

Joe rolled his eyes, walking over to Brian. The younger boy flushed furiously as Joe wrapped his arms around his waist, closing the space between them. "You need me to be more direct?" Brian tried to answer, but his breath got hitched in his throat. To his relief, Joe decided for him. "I couldn't wait one more goddamn second to kiss you." He allowed one of his hands to travel up to Brian's face, caressing his cheek. "Sure, we could pretend and say that it's improv since I did it in the middle of the show, but that wasn't Voldemort kissing Quirrell; that was me kissing you."

Brian leaned into Joe's touch as his eyes fluttered. "Well then... why'd you kiss me?"

Joe snickered, part of him wondering if Brian was just trying to be cute or if he actually needed Joe to be even more direct. "Why'd I kiss you? Hmm, let's see... for starters, because you're adorable. And kind. Funny. Talented. Loyal. Smart. Cute. I could go on... but I think you get the point."

Brian blushed, bringing his hand up to meet Joe's. "So, what are you saying? I'm sorry I keep asking, I just, I'm, fuck, I'm so nervous right now." Brian mumbled awkwardly, a tentative smile spreading across his face.

Joe giggled, Brian's nervous manner amusing him. "It means that I like you. A lot." He took his hand off of Brian's face so that he could intwine their hands. "As I've hinted several times but just haven't had the courage to say... I want to be with you." Joe was watching Brian's face anxiously, but the younger boy was biting his lip, looking back and forth between their intwined hands and Joe's face. It was making it hard for Joe not to develop the terrifying feeling that he was about to get rejected. "Brian, please say something before I die."

"I like you too. I like you so much. I think you know that Joe." Brian whispered, staring down at their feet. "I've wanted you for... fuck, I don't even know how long."

Joe beamed from ear to ear. "Good." He took the hand that had been holding Brian's and used it to tilt Brian's head up by his chin. He stared down at him longingly, their lips just inches apart. "It's decided then..." he started to lean in, but Brian turned his head away at the last second.

Monsters and Men ~ Rosenwalker & RichpezWhere stories live. Discover now