Peace at Last

47 3 11

One heavily bandaged arm—and a scolding about not being so reckless—courtesy of Mom later, I'm free from the pharmacy.

Kazuma has returned to work. I hope he doesn't get chewed out too seriously by Iryo-sensei.

Now I'm ignoring my orders to rest and having a light sparring session with 1o knights. They attack me in uncoordinated fashion, each one fighting for himself and not as a team.

"Too... weak." I state, systematically knocking them out of commission. If only Aoi were here, we'd show them real teamwork.

The knights all lay in various positions on the ground, panting intensely. I roll my shoulders in frustration, not even slightly winded.

Maybe I need a day on the town. Swordplay only serves to rile me up.

I remove my sweaty clothes and shower. Then I dress up in a simple white ruffled blouse and a knee-length pleated cornflower blue skirt with a high waistline. I look at myself in the mirror, satisfied. Who says I need Asahi to pick my outfits?

I glance at my rapier. It would be tempting fate to leave it behind, but the purpose of this outing is to relax, not pick a fight.

As a compromise, I strap a few throwing knives (on loan from Kazuma) to my thighs, hidden from view by the flare of the skirt. I pin a sparkly bluebird into my hair but otherwise leave it down.

I walk through the streets of Wolkitra. Lucky for me, it's the weekend so there's an outdoor farmer's market going on.

People crowd the streets, lining up around vendors advertising their wares. I get a few odd stares, but most everyone is focused solely on the colors and smells from the shops.

"Handmade jewelry! Each one's unique! A perfect gift for your loved one!"

"Get your meat skewers here! Chicken! Pork! Beef! Buy three and get a fourth free!"

"Buy a cup of piping hot Lyrias tea! It's healthy and will make you feel rejuvenated!"

"Traditional coats from Azov! High quality fur for warmth and comfort, even during the coldest winter! We got fox, rabbit, and bear!"

"Fresh honey! Sweet and delicious! Try a sample and taste for yourself!"

Dozens more tents line the edges of the road, each with their own tempting products lined up to draw customers in.

I buy six meat skewers, get two free, and have a cup of Lyrias tea. I'm wandering around a fruit stand, my eyes particularly drawn to the blue grapes and blueberries, when someone calls my name.

"Miho! Over here, over here!"

It's Akegi, waving her arms wildly. Shiro's with her too, although both of them are hiding their hair under big floppy hats. They must be out incognito, enjoying the open air market too.

"Ane-sama, Aniue, aren't... you supposed to be... back at the castle?"

Shiro diverts the topic away from them sneaking out by grabbing for one of my meat skewers. I hiss and dance out of his reach.

"Come on, you've had six already. Isn't eight too much?" He complains after counting the empty sticks in my hands.

"I... have a high... metabolism." I boast, proudly puffing out my chest.

"Stingy." Shiro mutters under his breath.

I stick my tongue out at him in return. "Bleeeh!"

Akegi steps between us. "Now, now. Break it up, you two. You'll cause a scene."

"Hmmph!" Shiro and I both turn our noses up and away from each other. The facade lasts for a few seconds, then all three of us dissolve into laughter.

A random passerby bumps my bad arm. I wince. The twins take notice.

Akegi reaches out but stops just before her fingers brush the bandages. "How bad is it?"

"It's still... a little sore." I admit.

She bonks me on the head. "You got your arm sliced open, of course it's a little sore! Geez, making me worry about you getting your arm filleted!"

Akegi marches away in a huff, hands on her hips. I chuckle, watching her go.

Shiro reaches over and musses up my hair. "Let's go enjoy the market while it's still light."

I smile at him. "Yes!"

We chase after Akegi, who hasn't gotten far. She's staring with glittering eyes at a sweets vendor. A variety of sugary delights in all colors of the rainbow are displayed. I join her in drooling.

Akegi turns her puppy-dog eyes on Shiro. "You brought your wallet, didn't you?"

"I'll give... you the last... meat skewer." I offer, holding it out. A sacrifice I'm willing to make.

Shiro sighs and rolls his eyes, shaking his head morosely. He pulls out a pouch full of coins.

Akegi and I grin at each other. Then we each get on one side of Shiro and each kiss a cheek, sandwiching him between us.

"Thank you... Aniue!" I say at the same time Akegi says, "Thanks Shiro!"

Shiro ducks his head and shields his face with a hand, trying to hide his blush and wide grin. We see right through him.

"Go pick stuff out already." Shiro grabs the meat skewer from my outstretched hand and quickly stuffs his mouth.

Akegi and I proceed to raid the sweets tent. Akegi goes for a jar of cherry sours and a bag of black licorice. I find some taffy and rock candy, both blue raspberry flavor. We also grab chocolate-covered raisins and gummy bears and a dozen other treats.

We leave the tent carrying huge bulging bags, both us and the vendor very happy with our haul.

"So this is where you three went." Mom's voice sounds behind us, making us jump.

We turn slowly. Luckily, Mom didn't come find us to get mad. Dad, Mitsuhide, Kiki, and Obi are with her. Based on the flushed faces of the men, they're hanging out together and bar-hopping.

After all, they aren't just a prince, princess, and their aides. They're friends.

"Perfect timing, we were about to grab lunch. Care to join us?" Mom offers.

We all grin and nod. Our group of eight finds a great place and sit around a circular table. The waitresses bring out many plates of food.

I had such a great time today, I forgot how dark the world can be.

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