Chapter 2: Planing a Trip for Flasheart

Start from the beginning

"National City?" Oscar said.

"Supergirl would be there, but I don't think so." Freddy said.

"I know, how about Star City? It's not far from here and it's a great place to be

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"I know, how about Star City? It's not far from here and it's a great place to be. Plus you'll probably get to see the Green Arrow there." Batty said.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt

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"I guess it wouldn't hurt. Okay, I'll talk to my dad about it." Freddy said.

It was night time now and Freddy was trying to find his dad. He then found him in speaking with the council.

"Dad, can I speak with you?" Freddy asks.

"Of course, son." Flasheart said as he turns his attention to his son.

"So, my friends and I talked about this and they said we should spend some bonding time together on a trip somewhere." He said.

"Oh, that would be fun, but where would we go?" Flasheart said.

"Star City." Freddy answered.

"Star City? Are you sure?" Flasheart said.

"Yeah. Come on, it would be great! Plus you could use a vacation." Freddy said.

"I guess... but who would lead the patrol?" Flasheart asked.

"Uncle Hotspur could. It only be for two days. Please?" Freddy said begging him.

"Oh, all right. I guess we can go. I'll just have to tell my brother and everyone else about this." Flasheart said as he walks to find everyone.

"Yes! Star City... here we come!" Freddy said.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Hotspur asked his brother. Flasheart told them of the plan of taking a vacation with his son.

"Aw, come on brother

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"Aw, come on brother. It will only be for two days. Plus I could use a vacation." Flasheart told his brother.

"Well, I think it's a great idea. You and Freddy haven't had a father-and-son time together in a while." Principal Pincus said.

"Thanks, Pincus." Flasheart said.

"I still don't think it's a good idea. Remember what happened in Central City?" Hotspur asked.

"That was a long time ago. Besides I'm fine and Star City is perfect." Flasheart replied.

"Whatever." Hotspur said rolling his eyes.

"But who would lead the Night Patrol?" Pincus asked.

"I thought my brother could while I'm away." Flasheart said.

"Me? Really?" Hotspur said.

"Like I said: it will only be for two days. Surely you can handle this." Flasheart said.

"Of course." Hotspur said with confidence.

"Then it's settled. Flasheart and Freddy will enjoy a nice vacation while we take over for them."

"Excellent, I can't wait to tell Freddy." Flasheart said.

Soon, Flasheart and Freddy packed up for their trip to Star City. Hotspur and Freddy's friends are there saying goodbye.

"Please take of everything here brother." Flasheart said to Hotspur.

"Of course I will." Hotspur said with an obvious tone.

Freddy's friends hug him as they say goodbye.

"Take care of yourselves." Batty said.

"I will." Freddy said.

"If you see the Green Arrow, please get a picture with him for us." Scarlet asked.

"I'll try to." He said as he gets into the car. They drive off to Star City. Little did Flasheart know that he was going to met someone there. Someone who's special.

 Someone who's special

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