After I walk home with Sophia I drive down to Diego's place.

His apartment is very clean compared to the other guys houses.

It's more bright and has more colour. On the wall there are a few pictures of him and his brothers and on coffee table there are a few magazines.

"Diego do you read vogue" I ask him surprised picking up one of the vogue magazines on the table

His eyes widened and he quickly grabs it off me.
"No-no it's just my cousins...yea she likes to visit sometimes and she leaves her stuff here"

"I freaking love vogue" I mutter
I look at him suspiciously....then growl at him and it makes him jump

I love randomly roaring at people to scare's kinda funny


"Your skin is so soft" Diego says blending foundation onto my face with a makeup brush

"It's a good idea to use a brush instead of a beauty blender" he adds "it just spreads better"

After what like years he's finally finish one half of my face and I do the other.

"Wow you're good" he said lifting my chin  up and examining the makeup.

I'm still shocked when I look in the mirror. I've never had a full face of makeup before...I feel so pretty.

"You know I think I'm going to go home and curl my hair..."

"I think you look perfect right now but if that's what you wanna do girl then go ahead"

"Awww Diego- you're so sweet" I say hugging him

"I have a curler-so you don't need to Um go home and get one"

I smile and nod

Wow so he can do makeup and curl hair. I'm a little jealous

"You are so talented"  I say as he curls the last strip of my hair

"Yea i just like practicing these stuff in my spare time" he says with a smirk

"How-you have a buzz cut"

He pauses and looks at me.

I look back at him

Staring contest time

He lets out a huge sigh.

"Anyway—you're girlfriend will be sooo lucky" I sigh turning back to the mirror

He lets out another big sigh

"Lucy I need to tell you something"

"Sure what is I ugly if I am just say so you won't hurt my feelings"

"Lucy-what the fuck,you're gorgeous ...and um I-I'm- I like boys"

"Me too...I like boys with dark hair and dark eyes,and taller men well taller than me and I love boys who—you like boys" I cut myself off realising what he says

He scratches the back of his head and nods looking down.

"Please don't tell anyone...I'm  in the closet I don't feel ready and I-I just trust you" he looks really bothered

"I thought I was bi for a long time but I hooked up with a really pretty girl a couple weeks ago and I felt nothing- it just felt gross and foreign to me. I've always hated sex it never felt good to me and I always felt so uncomfortable after. Like I was violating my own body"

I sit beside him and nod

"But then I went down town to a bar that was known for having homosexuals and there was this boy-and when I kissed was just amazing. It was like a piece that had been missing in me for years was finally put into me. I knew then that yes I liked boys...and boys only"

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